Chapter 22

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Author's Note: It's Christmas Eve y'all


Renjun never uttered any words after he talked to his brother which really bothered Jeno and Jaemin. They planned to talk to him once they arrive at the mansion but he immediately rushed to his and Yangyang's room and shut everyone out including Yangyang which Hendery liked.

The couple did everything they could to make their lover come out of his room but they were only answered by silence making them give up. It was already dinner when they came down making them sigh deeply.

Donghyuck was the first one to notice them, "Why do you look like you've been rejected?." He giggled making some of them look at the dejected couple.

"It's because Renjun ge doesn't want to leave our room." Yangyang answered while trying to reach the mayonnaised ham shrimp kimbap but Kun smacked his hand making him sulk on his seat.

"Oh is that so? Then sucks to be you because no matter how you persuade him he'll never come out." Donghyuck's corner lip rise making the two annoyed.

"What did you even do for him to lock himself in his room?." Taeil asked while giving them a malicious look.

Taeyong saw the look Taeil's giving them that's why he slapped his back and glared at him, "Don't give them that look."

"Why not? They might've hurt him." Taeil reasoned making half of them shook their heads.

"Hear my son first, Taeil." Doyoung said and Taeil gave him a disapproving look.

"Excuse me? That's hyung for you and your son with whom, huh?."

"Ooh hyung he's cheating on you." Chenle quickly intervene making the atmosphere between the two become strange.

Doyoung glared at Chenle and turned his gaze back to Taeil, "My son with you of course." He then wink making the older blush so hard while the youngers made a gagging sound.

"What am I watching?." Jisung asked.

"We're getting off topic so Jeno what did you do to Renjun?." Jungwoo softly asked making them turn their attentions to the couple.

"We didn't do anything to him it's just that after he talked to his step brother he became like that." He answered making them Kunfused(confused).

"He has another step brother aside from Sicheng?." Taeyong curiously asked making them gasped.

"They're brothers?!." They said in unison making the older glare at them for being loud.

"You don't know?." Ten asked, as they shook their heads 'no', "Losers." he sneered and reached the food that's in front of him because he is starving.

"That's why he calls him ge." Lucas said in realization making Ten make an ugly face because they're so dumb.

"Why do you even think he calls him that, hyung?." Sungchan asked as he stuffed food in his mouth.


"Dumb." Hansol said.

"Rude."Lucas fired back.

"Atleast I don't ran away when I confess to someone." He said as he started feeding Kun like a baby making the latter shy.

Everyone burst in laughter the moment they heard what the older said.

"What the heck, dude?." Mark laughed like there's no tomorrow making everyone laugh even more because of it.

Jungwoo blushed and Lucas' face was like painted in red when he remembered the scene earlier.

"I..I was nervous, okay?." They laughed even more because of his absurd reason.

"That's enough, Jaemin can you call Renjun? He might starve."Kun said, Jaemin immediately nodded and went upstairs.

"Chenle call Shotaro he's been there for hours." Jaehyun ordered Chenle.

"Why do I get to call him?." He muttered but eventually obliged.

Jaemin went down saying that no one's answering him, "I told you I think he's not even there." He sulkily said and Jeno's comforting him.

"That's impossible, are you implying that he went outside by using the window?." Johnny asked and the younger nodded.

"You're weird, kid." He said but the younger didn't pay attention to him.

The moment Shotaro went down he delivered a news to them that made them satisfied yet worried.

"Hyung, someone sent me  photos of one of the Organización's warehouse of drugs being burned down to ashes and in front of it are the bodies of it's members. Then at the end of the photos there's something written on it saying that Linaua's back for good."

He then showed them the photo making them shiver and nearly vomitting because of the way how the people died.

"Oh fuck! How will I suppose to eat, now?." Jaehyun cursed making Taeyong turn to him and making him shut his mouth.

"Linaua strikes again, huh?." Donghyuck said and a meaningful look suddenly flashed in his eyes for a moment.

"Maybe he's on our side." Xiaojun said with hope visible on his tone.

"Is he helping us or is he doing this for a personal reason?." Hendery asked making them silent because no one knows how Linaua thinks.

"How are you sure Linaua's a he?." Jungwoo asked and the latter just shrugged his shoulders.

"Why don't someone go check if Renjun's in his room? If he's out there he might be in danger especially now that Linaua is lurking in Seoul and if he really is better prepare our lives because Sicheng won't spare any." Taeil said worriedly.

"He doesn't even know how to fight, poor thing." Johnny shook his head and Donghyuck sneered in his mind.

Kun gave Mark a spare key and he went upstairs to check if Renjun's inside or not. He himself don't even know if he's there or not because no one knows how Renjun think he's so unpredictable.

When Mark opened the door he saw Renjun changing his clothes and saw a red paint on his old shirt and he immediately closed the door.

'Oh, he's here was he painting?.' he thought.

Renjun opened the door, "What are you doing in here, hyung?." He slowly asked which made him shiver because damn the boy's scary.

"The others made me check if you're here because your lovers kept saying you're not, they're even thinking that you sneaked through the window." He said nervously.

Renjun's aura suddenly changed, "Oh that? Sorry I slept earlier." He said while scratching his nape.

The older nodded, "Did you paint? Because I saw a red stain on your shirt." He asked and the younger nodded.

"Yes, I did but I got tired so I slept." He said while looking straight into the olders eyes. Mark then nodded and said to follow him to the dinning room.

Renjun said that he'll clean the mess he made first before going down and Mark nodded, once he came downstairs everyone's already eating.

"He's there." He said and sat down on the chair.

"Really?." Taeyong asked and he nodded.

"He said he got tired of painting so he decided to sleep." He answered making Chenle furrowed his brows and stopped eating for a moment.

'But he can't paint anymore.' He thought as he was now drowned in his thought.

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