Chapter 17

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Just minutes after the two hackers dropped the bomb a call from Ahgase Hospital was heard and was answered by Taeyong saying that four of his friends had an accident, they wasted no time and immediately flew(drives really fast) to the hospital.

As they got near the operating room their hearts can't help but to beat faster and faster and tears forming in their eyes. Taeyong who has tears in his eyes kept walking back and forth while fidgeting his hands. Jaehyun who has been eyeing the older the whole time didn't hold himself back and hugged the older which made the older break down in the younger's arms.

"Everything's going to be okay, hyung." He motioned his hands to circle Taeyong's back and kept kissing his head.

"W..was this my fault?." He whispered and Jaehyun shook his head 'no'.

"Of course not, why would it be your fault?." He answered and hugged him tighter.

"Because I..I'm the leader and it's my responsibility to take care of you...all of you and yet I failed." He hiccuped.

Jungwoo who's just beside them looked at his hyung sadly, "Hyung, it's not your fault it's the Organización's." He softly said as Lucas squeezed his hand.

"Don't be sad, Jungwoo. I'll make you happy." Lucas whispered to Jungwoo who smiled and hugged him.

'When did I became so clingy to him?.' he thought.

"Jungwoo hyung is right. Don't blame yourself Taeyong hyung." Sungchan said and everyone agreed.

Doyoung looked at Taeyong who didn't stopped from crying and decided to go closer to him, he pulled him away from Jaehyun's embrace and hugged him really tight while caressing his hair, "Yong, it's okay everything will be alright. Cry if you must but don't you ever blame yourself, alright? It's hurting me.

Taeyong lifted his head and looked at Doyoung's eyes, Doyoung got irritated and softly wiped the older's tears, "I'm sorry, I just remembered you hate it when I cry, it's just that I failed to do my job and that's to..." He whispered and hugged him.

Doyoung cut him off, "Yes, I hate it but I hate it even more if you keep blaming yourself when you're not supposed to. Look at them are they blaming you? Not right? So you don't have the rights to blame yourself, alright?."

Taeyong nodded and snuggled up against the younger's neck which made Jaehyun jealous and Taeil smile thinking that the two's friendship is out of this world.

He then looked at Jaehyn who's eyes are filled with jealousy. He tapped his shoulder and the younger looked at him confusedly, "Don't be jealous, now's not the time. He needs your support not your jealousy."

This caught Mark's attention and looked closely at Jaehyun waiting for his reaction and answer.

"I know, it's just that.." he paused and sighed.

Mark went closer to them and tried to ease the atmosphere between them, "Be like Taeil hyung, hyung. But I do think they look good together." With his statement the two older glared at him and he raised his hands as a sign of defeat.

Yuta who has been quietly sitting at the corner can't help but to clenched his fist tightly and grit his teeth. When he's just about to get the younger's love and trust this really must happen, huh?.

"Yuta." Johnny called him and he sighed.

"So much for being in the mafia." He mumbled and Johnny looked shocked not really expecting the younger to asnwer him like this. He then looked at Ten who was looking at him worriedly.

"You... really are inlove, aren't you?." Johnny hesitantly asked and Yuta slowly nodded.

"Are you regretting being in the Mafia?." It was Ten who asked and Yuta shook his head 'no'.

"If I wasn't in the mafia I wouldn't know Sicheng so no, I don't regret it." He answered.

Kun who's beside Hansol tried to comfort Hendery and Xiaojun who looks like they were lost in an abyss.

"I didn't get to spend much time to him and Hendery." Xiaojun said while staring blankly at the floor and Hendery hugged him.

"He said we're going to the amusement park after we get home." he continued and Kun panicked when he saw tears coming out of his eyes.

"Xiao... Yangyang's not going to die, he's a strong sheep." He tried to comfort him and Xiaojun cried even more thinking about the words Yangyang and die.

Hansol grabbed his lover's arm and turned him to him, "You're making it worse, babe. Now all he thinks are Yangyang and dying." Hansol shook his head and pulled him away from them.

"Everything will be alright, our Yangyang is strong and now that we made you ours he won't leave us. I promise you that." Hendery whispered and Xiaojun nodded

"Hyuck, I just got them back(a story is behind this so...wait for their flashback)" Renjun whispered to Donghyuck who's sitting beside him and hugging him while Renjun's face rested on Donghyuck's neck (I'm also a Renhyuck stan so let us rejoice.)

Donghyuck caressed Renjun's hair and tried to calm him down.

"They will be alright, Injun."

"This is not a coincidence, Hyuck. They want to target Sicheng ge" He whispered again and Donghyuck looks confusedly.

"How'd you say so? Was it all planned?." He asked and felt Renjun nodded.

"They want our leader to weaken so we will be weaken too. But they won't succeed, right?." Donghyuck nodded and hummed as a response.

The moment the door of the operating room opened they all stood up, "I suppose all of you are with the patients, am I correct?." They nodded and he also nodded.

"You see from the three youngsters nothing serious was done only a broken ankle, broken arm and a scratch on the body, they will wake up within today, they only lost their consciousness because of the impact of the explosion..."he paused for a moment before continuing, "...for the older one he has a mild concussion for hitting his head hard on the ground, with broken arm, ankle and bruised face but aside from that nothing serious was done."

They sighed in relief once they heard the Doctor's words.

"Though I suggest not to make them move so much once they're discharged for their injuries might worsen." As soon as he finished talking Taeyong thank him.

"Thank goodness they're all okay." Chenle sighed in relief and slumped down to the chair with Jisung and Shotaro on his sides.

"I was worried." Shotaro answered and Jisung nodded.

"Imagine going on a three days vacation then getting caught in an explosion, how unimaginable." Jisung said and Chenle just nudged him.

"Do you know what makes me feel sick?." He asked, Donghyuck sat down and rested Renjun's head close to his neck.

"What is it, Injun?."

"My best friend, my brother and my love interests are lying on the hospital bed while I am here doing nothing." He answered and squeezed Donghyuck's hand tightly.

"They're going to pay, Hyuck." He stated and a flash of bloodthirst glinted in his eyes for seconds.

"Yes, they will." Donghyuck nodded.

And Renjun knew, deep down in his brain an old wooden box that he made an effort to bury deep in a section of his brain was slowly emerging and was slowly opening.
He knew he can't keep the old wooden box in the basement forever and that's all thanks to their enemy.

A wicked smile was plastered on his face and bloodlust glinted in his beautiful eyes making it looks so ethereal...for a psycho's point of view of course.

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