Chapter 06

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"Fuck off!!." Ten angrily said to the ugly looking ass guys who tried to take Renjun away.

Clearly this was a trap, they didn't took the diamond carat because  the ugly looking ass guys were already there so they have to find a way, he was looking at the cctv but those idiot were not really idiots they changed it before they got here .

Their communicators were snatched but luckily Yangyang got his, if it weren't for him they might die.

"If you take a step closer I swear to God I will fucking kill you!." He was enraged for they already shot his baby which is Renjun and now they still want to take him.

"Give the boy and the diamond and we'll leave like nothing has happened at all." The ugly man with mohawk hair said and tried to take a step closer.

"Fool, if we give you Renjun ge you will just kill us." Yangyang rolled his eyes and help Ten hide his Renjun ge.

Renjun was shot near the heart which he thinks hurts like hell. The  ugly looking ass guys was so stupid that instead of shooting his shoulder he actually shot his heart well near the heart. After he survives this he will make sure to kill the ugly looking ass guys who dared hurt him, maybe he'll ask the mafia for help.

"That's the point." The ugly bald man said.

There were currently three ugly looking ass guys present inside the room and they are fully armed that's why they can't do anything except cursing and talking back at them.

This is actually normal for them, they were never the kind of Mafia who fight with guns, knives and explosive weapons, they fight through manipulation and they just swindle to be exact among them all they are the mafia who's the most peaceful.

"Since that's your point look into my eyes and tell me what you want." Ten seriously said.

"We want the boy." The Mohawk guy answered and was looking straight into Ten's eyes.

"Why do you want the boy?." He asked once more.

"What game are you playing bitch? You wont live after this." The ugly man with brown hair said.

"To get the diamond of course." The guy answered quickly.

"Why do you want diamond?."

"To make the boss happy."

"Why do you need to make him happy? Would that make you happy?." He asked again while trying to send a signal to Yangyang.

The three ugly looking ass guys was looking at him seriously and was beginning to be confused.

"So that he won't kill us."


They answered in unison, Yangyang went behind Ten and quietly sending the members a message.

"What makes you happy? Is it the boy and the diamond so that your boss would be happy or is it really something else?."

"Would you really let your boss take your happiness?."

"Your freedom to choose what you want?."

"I..." Ten smirked when he saw they're succumbing to his manipulations.

' These dumbass people getting manipulated in such a simple questions.' Yangyang sneered in his thoughts.

"What do you desire?." He asked again when they're about to say something.

"I want to have a family."

"I want to be free."

"I want to be happy."

They answered in unison.

"Do you want to have a family?." He asked attentively.

They nodded, "Yes."

"Do you want to be free?." They nodded once more.

"Do you want to be happy?." Again, they nodded.

"Do you want to give us your guns? That's dangerous give it so you won't be hurt." They nodded and handed their guns.

"Do you want to set us free?, Step aside." Without realizing the question they nodded and stepped aside.

"H..hyung." Renjun said he felt dizzy and is seeing dots for he's loosing too much blood.

"Do you want to know how to be free?."he then signalled Yangyang to take Renjun away.

"First you watch us go out then you'll be free." The moment the two boys went out he ran towards the exit and slammed the door which woke the ugly looking ass guys in daze.

"Fuck! We're so fucked up." The mohawk guy said and followed Ten but was stopped by Yuta's fierce gaze.

"You stupid motherfuckers dared to make Sicheng upset I'm going to kill you!." He dangerously said stabbed him with a knife.

When Yangyang said Renjun was shot he was so upset and worried because not everyone knows Renjun is his half brother after Sicheng's parents divorced her mother remarried again and Renjun was the fruit of their love.

Then Taeyong together with the inside security rush inside and killed them.

Once Sicheng saw the trio running towards the exit he ran towards them held Renjun.

"Injun, are you okay?." He whispered to Renjun and he weaklh nodded his head.

"I.. I'm o..okay." he stuttered, Sicheng knew that even if Renjun dies he will never admit that he's hurting or he's not okay because he said that saying you're not okay and you're hurting is only for the weak.

When he saw Jaemin walking towards them he called him and ask if he can carry Renjun and take him to the hospital luckily Jaemin didn't hesitate and immediately obeyed.

When Taeil came out he walked towards Ten and Yangyang, "You two okay?." He asked and received a nod.

"Too bad their accomplice got the diamond." Yangyang said lowly and Taeil just patted his head.

"Not your fault."

Everyone gathered outside the Auction house.

"Now what do we do? It's our first mission and we failed?."Johnny sneered and looked at Ten's direction.

Ten was about to say something when Taeyong received a phone call.

"Hello?." He said.

"It's Seungcheol."

"Seungcheol? What do you want?." Taeyong asked wondering how did he get his number.

"Burn the Auction House." Was the last thing he said and ended the call.

Taeyong was confused, "Seungcheol said to burn the auction house."

The moment Yuta heard what Taeyong said his eyes gleamed and looked at Sicheng who was also looking at him, he didn't know but his heart skipped a beat.

"Watch me bomb this fucking auction house." He grinned and grabbed his hand so that Sicheng can watch at the front row seat.

They all waited for Yuta to bomb the Auction House, luckily the auction ended even without bidding for the diamond carat so everyone went home.

"H..hyung." They heard Renjun's voice at the communicator.

"Renjun? What is it?." Jungwoo asked.

The moment the Auction House was bombed he also dropped a bomb, "I..I have... I have the di..amond."

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