Swimming lessons

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*Dans POV*

I woke up surprising early for a Saturday. And after I recovered from the inevitable blindness which looking at my phone for about an hour caused me, I finally forced myself to take a shower. I only took about half an hour to get dressed and do my hair afterwards, I was literally on such a role today.

Phil was in the kitchen as I went downstairs, making breakfast, leaving every single cupboard door open as he went.     

"You're up shockingly early" he smiled up at me.

"I could say the same to you." I laughed at him, doing a circle around the room in an attempt to clean up some of the mess.

"So what are your plans for today then?" he asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could go swimming?"



"Yes I heard what you said!"


"I don't know Dan..."

"Why not?"

"I don't like swimming."


"Because I'd probably drown."

I glanced over at him, watching as he set the plates on the breakfast bar in front of us. "Phil, do you know how to swim?"

"Not exactly." 

It was silent as we started eating, so I turned the TV on to the current anime which we had been watching together. I hadn't expected that at all. My brain started ticking with what to do or how respond to that, when suddenly an idea came to mind. "I KNOW!"

Phil jumped at the sudden noise knocking his fork onto the floor clumsily. "Which is...?"

"I can teach you how to swim!"

"Oh my god."

"Is that a yes?"

"I am not going to the swimming pool and letting you teach me how to swim, I'd look like an idiot."

"You already do" I winked at him, "but I didn't mean there, we could go to the lake down the road, nobody goes there I promise!"

I could see him considering it, and if I'm being honest, I really wanted him to agree. I'd always had a slight crush on him, which had grown into a massive crush over the years, and this would be the perfect opportunity to make whatever we could have happen- somehow? 

"Fine." he reluctantly agreed. 

"Yes! Okay, go and get a towel and stuff- meet me here in 5 minutes and we can walk there!" I yelled excitedly, running out of the room leaving a startled Phil by himself.

*Time skip- to wherever the frick this lake is*

*Phils POV*

It had only taken us ten minutes to walk to the lake, it was the hottest day of the year but still I hoped it wasn't going to freeze us. I was wearing some black swim trunks and an old t-shirt I'd found in my wardrobe in a rush to meet Dan by the door, whereas he was wearing surprisingly bright colours for some unknown purpose. For some reason he was overly excited about this, and I would have been to if it wasn't for the constant fear of drowning lodged in my stomach. 

"Hurry up Philip I can see the lake!" he shouted from the bottom of the hill, motioning me down with his hand. I laughed at his eagerness, running down the hill the meet him. 

"Okay so how do you want to do this- get in the water and hope for the best or let me help you from the edge?" 

"Preferably the option which I don't die." I muttered, looking into the water uneasily, as Dan pulled his t-shirt of and launched himself into the lake effortlessly. Tugging at the corners of my one, I took a step backwards. "Come on, I'm not going to let you drown am I?" he called out to me. 


"Oh shut up, come on I promise it'll be fine!"

Reluctantly, I sat on the edge of the water, dipping my feet into it. "AAH" I yelled, stumbling backwards.

"What? What's wrong?" Dan asked, vaulting towards me, "Are you okay?" 

"It's freezing! I'm going to turn to ice!" I shrieked, watching him roll his eyes as the relief came upon his face. "You're such an idiot." he laughed. 

*Dans POV*

Progress had been going steadily, I had finally managed to get him waist deep into the lake, which took some effort and a lot of reassuring. "See it's not that bad is it?" 

Phil glanced towards me, trying to walk to me as best he could wading through the water. "I guess."

"Okay now you have to try and actually swim!"

"NO!" he panicked "I'll drown!"

Grasping his arm and pulling him towards me, I was able to keep him from running ten miles. "No you won't, because I'm here." I stated. 

He still seemed unsure, but agreed. It had gotten dark now, and we probably should have returned home, but I was determined to at least get him to attempt swimming. 

"I'll hold you okay?"


After about twenty minutes, he could already swim from one side of the lake to the other. And it had gotten so dark that the stars and moon had become our only light, but it was nice. "I knew you could!" I applauded him, seeing a massive smile appear on his face. His hair blended into the night sky, his blue eyes reflected the water stunningly and the moon turned his face pale and icy. He looked beautiful. 

"Thank you so much Dan!" he beamed at me, pulling me into a tight hug in the lake. I hugged him back, and we stayed like that for what seemed like ages. When he finally pulled away, I could see something in his eyes- was it lust? 

He moved forwards, wrapping his arms around my neck, his eyes zooming from my eyes to my lips and back. I wrapped my arms around his chest and gently pulled our bodies together, and he bit his lip eagerly.

There was heat between us, radiating, making us glow. The light of the moon faded out as we both closed out eyes. And then he kissed me. It was hesitant at first, as if he thought I would pull away, but when I began to kiss back, it was like magic. He pushed me against the bank, his hands running down my back. As if my body was on automatic I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. The heat between our lips made a moan escape my lips. Suddenly he both pulled away, our breathing rapid and sharp.

"So I liked that... a lot" Phil giggled

"So did I"

"I think I've forgotten how to swim, we'll probably have to come down here again tomorrow" 

"Told you you'd like it" I smirked at him. 

"You bet I did" 


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