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Another wave of thunder rang through london.

Dan Howell buried him self further under the covers of his bed, wishing that the sleeping boy in the room opposite his would wake up and comfort him. As a flash of lightning struck the ground somewhere in the distance, the-brown-eyed boy whimpered and pulled the covers tighter around him.

Meanwhile in the room opposite Phil Lester woke with a start as a clap of thunder rattled around his room. He sat up and almost instantly ran to the brown-eyed-boys room knowing for a fact that the younger boy was afraid of thunder storms.

Dan instantly felt ten times better when Phil came rushing into his room and pulled him into his lap. Dan buried his head in the crook of the older boys neck. Phil put his arms around the younger boy's waist and rocked him back and forth.

He wisperd soothing words into the brown-eyed-boys ear and eventually heard soft snores coming from the boy. He layed down with the younger boy at his side and listened as the aftermath of the storm traveling of into the distance.

Phil closed his eyes and wrapped the duvet around both him and the sleeping boy. And almost in a instant fell asleep with his lover at his side.

Authors note- Hi there kind person that is reading this here phanfiction! We are a brand new account made up of two very nice people who both have very awesome tumblr blogs! If you liked this and want to read more of this suff make sure you Follow us on Wattpad and favrouite this story and stick it in your library!

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