Wait, What???

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Well, you heard my background story. About my "parents" and Talya (girl who helped me). That is why I live alone. Sad, well I never wanted to see them again anyway. Not even my mom. She betrayed me. Huh, I thought only Darryl was the 'bad guy'. Guess I was wrong, like I always am. I was daydreaming about finding them today. I can't remember the rest. But I think I saw Tracey's face in it. It's like she was in my past life but I didn't know it was her. Weird.

I was walking in the middle of the street, why? Because I wanted to get killed after that dream...my worst nightmare.

"DON'T DO IT ZOE. I'm telling you, don't do it. You know why?" He said.

I shook my head no.

"Because I love you. And I always will." He stated.

Then I knew who it was.

"I'm sorry, but I can't take my life anymore. You are the only person I love. I'm sorry." I whispered.

Then I got a text. It said,

Do it or the person you love will be suffering from me. You have a choice. Live, and your love will die, or die and your love will live.

I threw my phone on the floor but not hard. because I want someone to read what was said.

Then, a truck was driving by. This was my chance.

"I'm sorry Luke, I love you...goodbye..."  I yelled.

"Zoe noooo!!" He yelled back.

Next thing I know I feel a second of pain.


"No!!!!!!!!!! Oh shit,...shit." I yelled after I woke up from my nap.

"Zoe! What's wrong?? Did you have a nightmare??" Luke said, worried.

I nodded... "Never leave my side ever again. Promise?" I asked, hugging him tightly.

"Yeah, never, don't you ever worry. I will always be here beside you." He said kissing my forehead.

I got up to get some coffee. Then I got a text...


"Do it or the person you love will be suffering from me. You have a choice. Live, and your love will die, or die and your love will live."


Shit, it's the same message from my dream...could this mean something?? And who the hell is T? Tracey? Talya? I deleted the text and went downstairs. The doorbell rang and when I opened it I saw a box. I took it inside and read the letter...

-To you my dear...this gift is what you will be getting this week, but you will not know how you will be getting it. Enjoy!

I opened the box and in the box was a.......knife... I read the letter again and knew what it meant. Someone is trying to kill me. And if I don't kill myself then...I turned around, staring at Luke as he comes down the stairs. Crap.

"Zoe, what the hell are you holding?" He asked, scared.

"Oh this, this was probably just a prank from a few kids. Don't worry." I lied as I put it back in the box.

"Hey, listen. I'm gonna get something from Dunkin Donuts. Want anything?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Uhh sure, coffee will be waiting. Bye baby girl."

"Bye Lukey." I said.

As I was walking down the street, I saw Tracey. Near Starbucks. And when I was bout to turn the corner, I saw her with my mom, Darryl, and Talya? What? Am I seeing this correctly?? Please say I'm hallucinating! Tracey, mom, dad, and friend?? Wait, what?

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