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Zoe's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Another day of school. Yayyyy -note the sarcasm-. I looked at my desk to find my phone, but instead there was a piece of paper with Luke's number on it. I smiled and went to take a shower. When I was finished I heard the doorbell ring. By the way I live alone (A/N -I will tell you why later)

I opened the door and found myself starring at Luke. "Hey, don't mind me I just took a shower so, yeah." I said softly hiding behind the door.

He came in and said, "Hey, and uhh, you want me to escort you to school my lady?" He said trying to make a british accent.

"Oh God, sure, let me just get dressed. Wait here." I said giggling while running up the stairs.

I picked out my best outfit and brushed my hair. Then I went to go put on makeup. I came back down and saw him practicing talking in a british accent.

"What are you doing?" I said laughing my head off. He seemed startled when I yelled that out.

"Uhhhh, nothing. Who said I was doing something? haha...You wanna go?" He cleared his throat.

"Uhhh, yeah lemme just grab something to drink and we'll go. You want coffee?" I asked heading to the kitchen.

"Yeah sure...thanks. Lets go" he told me. We went out the door and walked to school. First period starts in 30 minutes. Ugh.

"Thanks for walking with me to school. See you in biology? "Nerd". I teased him. He smirked and I gave him my number so he would talk to me first.

I opened my locker once he walked away and got my Biology books. When I turned around, I saw Luke...kissing 'white girl'. WTF? Is he with her? "Ok thanks for giving me your number! You CHEATER!"

He looked at me with an angry and an 'im sorry' face. "Zoe, wait!! It's not what it looks like! Come back!"

I ignored him and ran to the bathroom so I could cry. ( I didn't want anybody to see me cry.) I can't belive he did that to me. Is he trying to make me jealous? Then my mind went on something else. Is 'white girl' cheating on Michael? Wow, pathetic. I hate this year and it's only the second day of school! Then out of no where the door busted open and in came 'white girl'.

"Oh hey best friend!!!! Zoe is your name right? So, my name is-"

I cut her off and said, "Shitface? Is your name shitface? It's perfect for you!" I yelled in her face.

"No, no it is not. It's Tracey." Once again, the door busted open and in came Luke.

"Luke, baby, get out of the girls bathroom. Ok honey? Mwahh, love you!" Tracey said and got out of the girls bathroom glaring at me.

"Shut up Tracey! I am not your baby! Zoe, let me explain!!! Trac-" he said.

"Oh so you even know her name! Are you like a player or something?" I interrupted him.

"What? No! And I know her name because I am in the same class as her in Spanish. She pushed my head into hers and she kissed me but I pulled away!! Believe me I would never kiss a bitch like her in a million years! You have to believe me Zoe! Please! And I know she has been bullying you so why would I be with her??? I will do anything to protect you!" He said I think with one breath.

I stopped and thought about that last sentence. 'I will do anything to protect you!'

"Please Zoe, next time I swear I would punch her in the face. Just for you. Isn't that what her 'boyfriend' of hers did to you? Give me a chance and that will never happen again. I care about you. And I'm really really sorry. I am begging you to give me a chance." He said getting closer to me.

"I care about you, too. I will give you that chance. But on one condition......" I said thinking of what I should say about the condition. Oh yeah, I need him to forgive me for acting so stupid and blaming him. Also, I want him to ask me out. I know it sounds stupid.

"I'm sorry about how stupid I acted and blaming you, I know you would never do that. So, I'm really really sorr--" He cut me off.

"Stop saying sorry, nothing to be sorry about. So, what was that condition of yours?" He asked, coming even closer.

"All I wanted you to do I wanted you to...nevermind. I can't ask you to do this. So, I um, have to get to class." I said nervously looking at my watch and noticing I was 7 minutes late. 

Biology. GREAT. It's my favorite teacher! -note my sarcasm-. I walked through the hallway with Luke and I holding hands out of no where but I kept my hand in place because I liked the feeling. It's like we were meant to be together even though I met him yesterday. Anyway, everyone stared at me the whole time and my face started burning (embarrassment).

"Don't stare back at them Zoe, try to be cool even though your cooler than that." whispered Luke.

I listened to him and by the time I turned my face towards the floor we were already in front of the classroom. We took our seats and once again I sat next to Luke. The whole time I was in class, the teacher kept glaring at me but I looked away and stared at Luke's perfection. Once class was done I wanted to ask Mr. Fitz a question.

"Mr. Fitz do you have a minute? I want to ask you a question." I asked coming closer to his desk.

"Sure Ms. Marshall what do you need?" He said.

"Um, exactly how old are you? I know it is illegal but I'm curious look really young for a teacher." I whispered softly.

"Fine, but I will only tell you because I admire you. I am 26. No I am not lying. Is that it Ms. Marshall???" He asked with anger.

Is it that bad to ask a teacher that question?? Oh well, I caught up with Luke and he was on the lunch table facing me.

"Zoe Marshall, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked loudly.

I smiled widely and couldn't stop. I hugged him and said, "Yes of course!"

I am loving my life...but I know not for long.

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