I missed you

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"Don't worry about the bags, I'll get it." Kuroo seems to be in a rush when you notice the change of colors in the sky. He calls out to you from the front of the building and you grow confused on how quickly he went from his car to passing you without your awareness.

Pulling your eyes away from the sky, you follow him inside. He speaks to the security guard and the elevator doors part open. Just the simple act of the elevator automatically opening from this far of a distance still surprises you.

"This sight must really be beautiful if it's making you rush this much." You stare at Kuroo who looks antsy in his spot. You're reminded of a dog being excited to go outside. It doesn't help that Kuroo himself adores dogs.

"It really is. I can't get enough of it every time I see it." Kuroo flashes a smile towards you.

The elevator doors part open and Kuroo reaches into his pocket for his keys. He lets you step inside first before he follows after you.

Taking your sneakers off, you walk over to the living room. With so much glass surrounding you, you would've felt bothered if people could see you. But the floor you're on is much too high for anyone to see inside.

Unless you're in a helicopter.

You doubt Kuroo would do anything indecent out in the open for the world to see anyway.

You turn your eyes away from the tall buildings to see an open space where the sun is seen slowly setting. The beautiful warm colors of orange, yellow, and pink shower the space. The only time you've seen such a beautiful sunset at this height was on a hill with Azumane during your random drives.

The view is breathtaking and it tugs a smile on your face. Kuroo joins your side when he settles the handful of bags down on the dining table. "Beautiful, right? It's nice to stop once in awhile and take in nature."

You nod your head to Kuroo's words.

He averts his eyes down to Y/N. The smile on her face causes his heart to ache and he wants nothing more than to hug her under the sunset glow. But he holds his urges back. She's just slowly letting him back in and he doesn't want to scare her off by being touchy all of a sudden.

Kuroo quietly walks away and heads into the kitchen to get some snacks, wine, and two wine glasses for the two.

You raise your phone up to your face to capture a few photos before posting it on your social media.

'I was shared a beautiful sight today. 🌆'

You hear the soft pop of a wine bottle behind you and you turn around to see Kuroo setting the coffee table with wine and snacks. Looking at the sunset one more time, you join Kuroo on the sofa. He extends a glass of red wine and you quietly accept his offer.

The two of you silently swirl your wine before taking a sip.

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