Mr. Kuroo

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Kuroo teasingly nips at your ear. He tempts you again with his husky tone, his breath causing your skin to litter in goosebumps. "Should we roleplay for old time sake? I'm a little rusty if that's okay with you."

Biting down on your lip, you stare at Kuroo's hazel eyes. They shine with playfulness and temptation. He isn't going to fool you with those joyful eyes. You're sure he's just as lustful as you are right now. Kuroo knows the exact thing to do to drive you mad for him.

Finding your voice, you croak out an answer. "What do you have in mind?"

A smirk tugs on Kuroo's face when he gets your approval. His large hand reaches towards your head. He runs his fingers through your hair and then cups your cheek in his palm, his thumb rubs circular motions against your face. "Seeing as you're in your work attire...should I pretend to be your boss? You can be the cute eye candy I hired recently."

Staring at his devilish smile and the way he starts to inhale sharply at the imagination alone, there's no way for you to decline.

"You'll have to get out of this casual wear then." Your finger pokes his chest. A plain black tee on his body. "I expect you to be in a dress suit before I walk into your bedroom." Pulling yourself away from Kuroo, you gently nudge him towards the hallway to his room.

Kuroo snickers under his breath and nods in understanding. "Yes mam. I'll call for you when I'm done." A devilish smile etches his face and he presses a kiss to your forehead before he leaves your side.

You watch Kuroo walk away and only when he closes his door is when you catch your breath. Hovering a hand over your racing heart, you feel the heat in your face burn.

This is the first thing you two decide to do after getting back together?

You nibble your bottom lip, feeling embarrassed by your hunger for Kuroo.


Kuroo enters his walk-in closet, darting his eyes over by the section of suits and dress shirts. He's in a rush to find something. Anything will do.

He grows excited and nervous at the thought of Y/N and his situation. If he had it his way, she would already be wrapped around him. But, he'll take things slow. There's no need to rush when the two have all the time in the world right now. Kuroo wants to savor this moment. A moment where he's about to make love with the very person he wants to spend forever with.

Originally he planned to ask her hand in marriage. He was ready for commitment. But the moment didn't seem right. Instead he asked her to be his girlfriend instead.

Kuroo notices a familiar suit after pushing five suits aside. A simple black suit jacket, paired with his red dress shirt and black tie. The very outfit he wore for their high school reunion. A small smile forms on his face when he recalls that memory. The two didn't get along so well at the time.

He wondered if Y/N would even remember this outfit if he wore it.

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