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Y/N's fallen asleep shortly after her bickering with Kuroo. Kozume continues to type and erase his thought process for the next hour or two and Kuroo gives himself a tour of Y/N's small apartment studio.

With everyone skipping breakfast, Kuroo takes it upon himself to go out and grab a few things to make lunch for the three.

"Are you sure you want to go out in pajamas? We could just order take out." Kozume speaks with his eyes glued to his phone. He's resistant to move from his spot with Y/N's head still on his lap. Kuroo pulls over his coat and shakes his head.

"I'm not ashamed to walk out like this. Besides, I'm not trying to impress anyone. The girl I want to impress is asleep on your lap." Kuroo wears a warm smile when he gazes at Y/N's sleeping face. Kozume lowers his eyes to Y/N, pursing his lips. "I won't take long. Make sure she stays asleep. I want to surprise her when I get back." Kuroo smirks from ear to ear and closes the door behind him with his keys in hand.

Kozume softly sighs and lowers his phone to his side. His heart thumps against his chest when he looks down at Y/N. She looks absolutely adorable as she sleeps peacefully.

"Kuroo's girl." Kozume murmurs under his breath with a frown when he carefully strokes Y/N's hair behind her ear. The faint touch of her ear against his skin startles him and he jolts his hand back. He holds his breath, afraid that the slight motion might wake her up. But Y/N only stirs a bit. She rolls over and Kozume scoots to his left to give her more room.

Kuroo's words earlier invades his mind.

"I told you he loves you Y/N."

Kozume's chest grows tight and he clenches his teeth together. If he's interpreting Kuroo's words long has Kuroo known?

This kind of conversation is something he needs to have with Kuroo. It's no longer his secret if Kuroo knows. Instead it'll be a secret between the two of them.

Shaking his head to rid of the thoughts, Kozume picks his phone back up.


Kuroo returns an hour later and Kozume joins him in the kitchen to help prepare a small lunch. Rice, miso soup, and grilled salted mackerel. Kuroo's favorite kind of meal.

"Did you manage to write a post?" Kuroo speaks softly to Kozume who's washing the rice in the sink. Kozume shakes his head in response.

"I want to convey my message in a way for them to understand how important Y/N is and how hurt I am for their actions without making it seem like we're dating." Kozume murmurs. His eyes stare at the rice bowl in front of him. The water a milky white as he swirls the rice around.

The sound of the oil crackling in the pan fills the silent apartment.

Kuroo slowly places the mackerel into the pan after seasoning one side. A beautiful crisping sound hums out. "You love her, don't you?" Kuroo's words is blunt but with no malice behind it.

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