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You rest both of your hands on his chest to push off of him. The action in it's own hurts the two of you for different reasons. "We should sit down at least." Your words croak out of your throat. Half of your sentence comes out broken in pieces but Kozume's managed to understand it. His arms unwrap from your waist and he walks over to sit on the edge of his bed.

Quietly, you follow behind him. But you couldn't make yourself sit next to him. Being next to him is a conflicting battle. Both of you suffer from being near one another. But at the same time you both need to find closure.

It seems like all you've been doing lately is causing heartaches towards the ones close to you. First Azumane and now Kozume.

With Azumane, the best way for him to heal was to distance himself from you. You only speak to one another at work. It's difficult to do when you've been friends for ten years. To randomly distance yourself from one another is a challenge. But it's necessary. Especially for Azumane who needs to move on with his feelings.

You still text here and there but it wasn't like old times.

Thinking that the same situation might happen between you and Kozume makes your heart ache. The two of you just rekindled your friendship and to have it spread thinly like that; is painful.

But you know that it's something that needs to be done. Otherwise you're only causing him more pain by showing your presence to him.

How would he be able to move on if you appeared everywhere?

Kozume realizes Y/N's stopped in front of him. Her eyes look far away when she stares at nothing specific. Her eyes are down to the carpet flooring.

What is she thinking? Is she trying to find a way to protect him again?

Y/N always thinks about others before she thinks about herself. She's afraid to be selfish at times.

With his tears dried and his mind slowly calming down, he reaches out for her hand.

Kozume himself is just like Y/N. He's always thinking about her first and he holds back his selfish desires. With the two only thinking about the other, it causes a clash.

Y/N doesn't pull away when Kozume pulls her over to him. Her legs gently bumps into Kozume's knees.

You feel Kozume gently squeeze your hand. His eyes softly gazes at your finger tips and you grow nervous when he eyes them intently.

"When did time slip away from us? Your hands used to be so small and full of cuts and bruises." Kozume murmurs. "I would have to bandage them up at least once a week. I figured you were doing it on purpose." Kozume dryly chuckles when he looks up at you with a smile.

"They're still small compared to yours." You murmur. "And back then I didn't want to be left out when you and Tetsurō played volleyball so the bruises were worth it. I also had so many papercuts for some reason." A half smile forms on your face when you think about old times.

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