In Their Wake

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As Persica watched the Ural leave she felt the tension in her shoulders lessen. Keeping her composure around those dolls, especially the NZ75, wasn't easy as one misstep could have cost her her life. But, while the immediate threat was now gone, Persica knew she couldn't fully relax. After all, five t-dolls with kill authorizations were still running free and she had just helped them achieve one of their goals. But... "Is this fine?" They were going to kill humans, but those humans were terrorists that were stealing dolls. Even Persica had a hard time feeling bad for those t-doll's next victims. "The fact that I'm even giving such thoughts the time of day..." She let out a tired sigh. "I need more coffee." As she turned back towards HQ to go inside a new vehicle entered the bay. An armored sedan with the FSB's logo on the doors drove into a parking spot. Two men got out and walked into HQ. Persica didn't like the look in the eyes of the first man that led the group. "..."

"Miss Persica?" came a voice from behind her that startled her out of her thoughts.

"Hm?" Persica turned to see an MP5 t-doll looking up at her. "Yes, MP5?"

"I've been looking all over for you. Miss Helian was requesting you."

"Ah," Persica nodded, "Sorry about that. I did kind of leave without saying why so I can understand." She looked at the empty coffee pot in her hand. "You don't mind if we make a quick stop at one of the break rooms first do you, MP5?"

"Not at all," MP5 shook her head and smiled up at Persica. However, as the two entered the front doors of HQ they were met with a rather tense scene of Helian glaring down the two men Persica had just seen arrive.

"Well, Helianthus," the man in front said in a rather annoyed tone, "You've successfully wasted both my time and Chief Zielinski's." He handed her some papers that Helian started to glance through. "Be lucky you didn't waste any more." MP5 started fidgeting uncomfortably. The entrance hall was filled with both Griffin staff and FSB agents that were 'keeping an eye on things.'

"MP5," Persica lightly tapped the t-doll's shoulder, "Head on back to your original duties, I'll wait for Helian on my own." MP5 looked up at Persica and gave a timid nod before hurriedly leaving. Turning back to the scene, Persica watched as Helian scanned the documents she was handed. After a few minutes, she glanced up at the two men in front of her.

"...That was rather quick, agent Tsroski."

"Of course it was," Tsroski retorted, "Because of the importance of my mission, Chief Zielinski saw fit to expedite my request. Now," Persica swore she saw Tsroski leer at Helian, "About that prisoner."

"..." Helian glanced one more time at the stack of papers she had in her hands before tucking them under her arm along with her tablet. "Very well. This way." She glanced at Persica, finally taking notice of her, and motioned for her to follow them. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of Persica's neck as she approached Helian and joined the group. She and Helian led the two men and Persica could feel Tsroski's eyes drilling into her. She swore she heard Tsroski click his tongue behind them as she joined them. Her cat ears slumped against her head and she looked pleadingly at Helian.

"Do I have to come along for this?" she whispered.

"This will be quick," Helian responded.

"But..." Persica glanced behind her and accidentally met Tsroski's stare. She quickly faced forward.

"They'll behave themselves."

"..." Persica wasn't convinced but she couldn't really do anything about it so she remained quiet. The elevator ride was tense, but what really did it for Persica was when the doors opened to reveal the hallway she'd been in just earlier that day and seeing who was still there.

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