Adjust Vector for Relapse

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The Commander's base was...interesting to me. As I was carried to the repair bay I saw dolls wandering around seemingly carefree. They were chatting at their posts, and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Even the human staff would talk to them; didn't they know dolls were disposable weapons?

"You'll be able to say hello, and make friends with everyone after we get you repaired." I looked up to the Commander as he spoke. He just gave me that same, stupid smile of his.

"...Dolls don't need friends," I spoke in a cold, monotone way that seemed to catch the Commander by surprise. "Once I'm repaired am I to be under your command?"

"Y-...Yeah. You'll be living with us while we get what happened to you sorted, and try to track down your previous commander."

"Then I will remain in a low powered state, and await your orders." Astra looked back at me, and then at the Commander with a concerned look in its eyes. The Commander didn't say anything for the rest of the trip. Once inside the repair station, I was hooked into the machines as a routine diagnostics was run on my systems. I felt the virus package leave my neural cloud as it slithered its way into the repair bay's systems. By the week's end, the entire base's doll population would be infected. Once the repairs were done, and I did my own diagnostics to check everything, the Commander returned holding a cup of pudding, and a plastic spoon.

"Here," he held them out to me, "I promised you one when we found you."

I blankly looked at him, "Pudding doesn't contain the required nutrients to keep my systems operational."

"Yeah...It's a snack." A bemused smile appeared on his face as he looked at my vacant expression.

"I'll return to a low powered state, and await orders." I was about to power down, but he interrupted.

"But, I do have orders for you." I looked back to him, and he held out the pudding cup once more. "Enjoy a snack after a long day."

"That's...your order?" I slowly raised an eyebrow at him. He only responded with a nod. After some initial hesitation, I took the pudding cup from him, peeled off the lid, and took a spoonful. That was the first time I'd ever eaten pudding. The Commander continued to watch me eat the pudding with a stupid smile on his face. Something about it...

"Was there anything else, Commander?" I shook those weird thoughts from my head. They weren't useful for my mission.

"Hm? Not today. I'd like you to spend the night in the repair bay, and I'll stop by tomorrow to get you situated in one of the dorms. All our current echelons are full, so you'll be the first member of our newest echelon." The Commander turned to the door, and started to leave.

"Dorms?" I was confused. "Like...a room?" His hand was on the door handle, but stopped when he heard my question. He looked taken-a-back by it. "I don't require such a luxury to remain combat-ready, Commander."

"...I'll see you tomorrow, Vector." He left before I could protest any more. And, sure enough, the following morning he led me from the repair bay to a building that was full of dorm rooms. The one that was to be mine was...something. It was fully furnished with beds, chairs, tables, and desks. When I tried to protest that these materials would be better spent elsewhere he just shook his head, and brushed it off as 'this is essential' or something similar to that. For the entire week, he was like that. Since I was in an echelon that was only myself I couldn't go on any missions, so I attempted to seclude myself in the dorm room until I had orders. But, the Commander was having none of that. He would constantly be coming into the room with 'missions' for me to do; if you could even call them that. I found myself sorting combat reports, delivering files to staff around the base, or helping the other t-dolls with various tasks on a daily basis. I was also ordered to eat my meals in the dining facility as he deemed it necessary for some reason despite eating alone in the dorm room being adequate enough. From there I met the other t-dolls on the base; the latest batch of my victims.

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