A Night Out and New Relationship

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A few years after divorces and stuff but not dying children AU :)

Henry p.o.v

It was a normal day at the pizzeria, I was working in my office and dealing with issues while William still hadn't shown up to work. It had been 4 and half hours since I opened the pizzeria, where was William? I look down at my phone to see a few texts from Will, I picked up my phone and looked at them.

(Texting conversation W = William and H = Henry)

9:24 am
W: Sorry Hen, I won't be coming to work today.
W: Call me when you can, I know you're probably busy.
12:47 pm
H: it's alright Will, just make sure you come to work tomorrow, I'll leave some paperwork that you have to do on your desk.
W: Alright. I have a question?
H: What is it?
W: Do you wanna hangout later? I'm not sure where or what we'd do.
H: Why not. Michael can babysit and I'll bring Charlotte over on my way.
W: Alright, cya at 6?
H: Sure. Cya then.

The day went by quickly as I arrived at home, Charlie was watching TV with her babysitter Vanessa and when she heard the door she got right up and came running over.

"Hi daddy! How was work? Was it busy? Did Mr. William show up for work? Or did he stay home and be lazyyyy?" Charlie said, giggling at the last part of her sentence.
"Work was fine Charlie and no William did not show up, but you get to go see Lizzy and Chris today."
"Thanks for watching her Vanessa, feel free to stay and watch TV or I can take you to William's house and you can watch the kids with Michael?"
"I'll come with you guys, I don't have anything to do anyway."

I let Charlie go get some of her toys and then we were on our way. William's house is about a 10-15 minute drive from my house to his. Shortly we were there and William greeted us at the door.
"Who's this?" He asked
"Hello Mr. Afton, my name is Vanessa, I'm Charlotte's babysitter. Mr. Emily invited me to come watch the kids with Michael. I'm assuming he's your son?"
"Yes Michael is my son. I appreciate the help, Michael is a pain in the arse."

William, Vanessa and I talked for a bit before William and I headed out. William and I were in his car and we were just driving, we didn't know where we were going or why we were going where we were. We were just hanging out.

It had been around 20 minutes and William pulled over onto a dirt patch. There were almost no cars going down the highway except the occasional one or two. We got out of the car and walked over to the clearing we parked near. We sat down on the ground and at this point it was dark and the sky was filled with stars, we just stared into the night sky as we laid on the ground. I felt William's hand grab mine and when I looked to him he was looking away, he must be embarrassed. I giggled and said, "Will, are you okay? You're look like you wanna say something."
"Err, I guess I kinda do wanna say something, I just don't know how to say it." He said as he sat up, I followed and did the same.
"So what is it? You can tell me anything remember, I'm your best friend."
"Well the thing is... I kinda wanna be..."
"Be what?" I asked
"Be more than friends..?"
As he said that I felt my face heat up, did William have a crush on me? I mean I do like him more than friends but I didn't wanna ruin what our friendship was.
"You know what Will... let's try it and see how it goes."
"Wait what!?"
"You heard me, I said we can try and see how it goes."
"So we're uh.. dating now?"
"Yes Will, are you that ignorant?"
He shook his head no as he stood up, he held out a hand and pulled me up. We kinda just stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, then next thing I know William hugged me, I hugged him back and said, "we should probably go back it's almost midnight."
"Yeah. Let's go."
We got back in the car and drove back to William's house. When we walked in the front door there was Michael, Elizabeth, Chris, Charlotte and Vanessa all asleep on the couch with the credits of a movie on. We got some blankets and covered them up. We left them on the couch and quietly walked upstairs to William's room, he let me borrow some clothes and we went to sleep, he offered me his bed and said he'd sleep in the guest room but I told him we could just sleep together since we were dating now.

837 words

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