twenty three

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23| special

"the house is so pretty." taehyung gawked at the inside of the huge house in busan. "you said it would be small though." he turned to jackson and jinyoung who shrugged.

"well, in comparison to the house you lived in with your family and the building bts stays, this is small." jackson said.

taehyung looked around, this is nothing that can be compared to the house taehyung's family lived in— this is a million times better. everything was wooden, with pretty carved in patterns, flowers and little symbols. it had small chandeliers here and there, that gave off a pretty, yellowish light. it's the you would've described a castle's inside in 1690.

jackson is right, this house is big and the kims residence was bigger, though taehyung didn't care about the size of a house at all. as long as it feels like home.

"i never wanted to be one of the rich people." he said, remembering that he had three rooms for himself and maids who did everything for him.

he never felt comfortable seeing other people do his things, always wanting to help, if his mother let him, since she would have scolded him.

"the house i lived in was the worst. i love living with jeon and the other guys, their house... already feels more like home than the house where my family lives in." he smiled lightly.

jinyoung and jackson looked at the male with fond smiles. "you really are an angel, taehyung."

the blond gulped. "n-no, don't say something like that." he laughed awkwardly. "i just... i don't know. i wanna do what makes me feel happy." he smiled.

"seokjin hyung had told me you are one kind of a sassy queen though." jinyoung chuckled, taehyung looked down. jeongguk has his facade, but sometimes, taehyung needs to have his own too.

"actually... i was just sassy towards jeon, because i disliked him. and he kidnapped me, so what was i supposed to do, i didn't want him to think i was an easy target." he shrugged.

he doesn't know how he was able to trust these two males so quickly, but he felt really comfortable and since they are going to be his company for a few days, this shouldn't be bad.

"thank you guys, this means a lot to me. you are here to keep me safe and i'm also sorry for that. you have a life too and—"

"i dare you to finish that sentence." jackson butted in. "don't say something like that, you are cute, it makes fun to talk with you. besides that, it was a long time ago since we got a mission assigned."

"yeah i loved using my gun again." jinyoung smiled.

taehyung would normally look at him bewilderedly, but he understood this is their job, maybe their passion. and they were doing good things... even for a mafia.

"we are gonna stay for the night and leave tomorrow morning." jackson said and taehyung nodded.

jinyoung then walked next to taehyung, wrapping his arms around the smaller's shoulders. "i'll show you a room."

taehyung came out of the bathroom, freshly washed and bed-ready, when he looked at a dresser he didn't notice in the room before.

he slowly advanced the furniture, eyeing the small pictures inside the beautiful bronze frames on top of it.

he slowly picked one up and his lips curled up to a fond smile in an instant. the small boy on the photo was smiling, eyes glistening, bunny teeth showing. taehyung could always recognize that this was jeongguk.

he picked another up, looking at two boys, probably in the age of 14 and 10, looking to the camera, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders.

taehyung recognized the smaller and younger looking boy as jeongguk again, and the plumb lips of the other boy were evidence enough for him to be assured of this being seokjin. he cooed internally— kids have always been his weakness.

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