Chapter 1

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I can't believe you've done this y/n said angrily as she started pacing around.
I didn't mean to Tommy said in a sad tone of voice, just calm down.
Calm down calm down y/n  * sigh* I'm sorry
I-I didn't mean to yell it's just stop starting fights please Tommy y/n said with a slight smile on her face.
Without saying anything Tommy stands up and hugs y/n and tubbo joined in.

y/n  come down please shouted one of the care takers.

1 minute y/n shouted down, come on guys I need to go downstairs.
Noooo I don't one't you to leave tubbo said in a unhappy tone of voice.
Come on big T be a big man like me said Tommy trying to be cool.
Fine but you are coming back right said tubbo sounding scared.
Of course I'm not going anywhere without ether of you it's my fault we're here so it- Tommy cuts y/n of Before she can finish it was nether your fault that day so stop blaming your self.

Y/n the care taker shouted once more in a agitated tone of voice
Coming shouted y/n I promise you I'll be right back I'm not getting adopted without you both.
After y/n come down stares and into the office she noticed 3 people in the office 1 man wearing a bucket hat and two young boys around about 14
One with pink long hair in a braid and the other short brown hair with a maroon beanie on.

You start questioning why there there but your thoughts are soon cut off by the care worker  morning y/n I wold like to introduce you to Phil and his two sons Wilbur and technoblade there here to see if they wold like to adopted you I'll leave you to talk before y/n cold even protest the care taker leafy the room.
So as you've he- before Phil cold even finish his sentence y/n  snapped at him I'm not being adopted so don't even try!!!
Technoblade stares at you with a angry glare in his eyes.
Why are you not happy to be adopted? Phil says in a confused tone of voice
I-It's my fault that there here so its my priority to get them out y/n says while tears drop down her face recalling every little detail of that day.
Phil stands up and crouches down in front of y/n.
Hey don't be  sad who is they? Phil says while whipping the tears off of her face trying to comfort her.
Technoblade starts looking at you confused.
My older brothers Tommy and tubbo it was my fault if I haven't go- y/n stop half way through.
Y/n walks over to the door and opens it as soon as she dose tubbo pounces on her like a cat
As y/n falls to the ground her sleeve got Corte on something and your sleeve got riped revealing scares from the past glass shards.
*laughs* hi tubbo Tommy runs in after him tubo she said she was going to come back don't be so clingy tubbo. Said Tommy in a joking tone.
Hi Tommy. Y/n shouted.
H- before Tommy cold finish his sentence Wilbur started staring at y/n's armTechnoblade notices that as well.
W-why do you have cuts on your arm Wilber says with a scared and worried tone.
Tubbo looks at him and says w-who are you?
I'm Phil and these are my kids Wilbur and technoblade but you can just call him techno.
Ok said tubbo
That doesn't explain what you are you doing here!? snapped tommy
Do all the kids here act so rude techno mutters under his breath loud enough for Wilber to hear.
Seriously techno Wilber wishers back to him.
Well we were thinking about adopting y/n Phil says in a calm soothing voice
No you can't take her away from us tubbo says in a sad and scared voice.
Tubbo gets up off of the ground and holds on to y/n top tight.
Ye you can't take her she's our sister Tommy says in a defensive tone.
Just before anyone can say anything the care taker walks in and says it's time for y/n tubbo and Tommy to go to bed
Tommy tubbo and y/n go to bed

Sorry if this is long I'm new to this so this is the first chapter I hope you enjoyed

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