Chapter 3

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Y/N fell asleep after having her hand bandaged up. everyone agreed that they should watch something.
So they put a movie on.
Tubbo and Tommy disidead to put Y/N on there laps so they knew she was safe at first techno and Wilber had her leaning her head on them but Tommy didn't like that mainly because he hardly new them but partly because he didn't trust them with his sister and the fact that she had a panic attack.
A couple of minutes later a sexual seen comes on the TV and bbh covers Tommy and tubbo's eyes.
From the sexual seen.
Why did this say kids cold watch this. Phil says in a confused and angry tone.


Y/N woke up to hear bbh skeppy and two other guys talking in the kitchen.
As she was going to stand up the blood started seeping through the bandages and getting her so she went to go looking for more bandages or a first aid kit.
As Y/N went into the kitchen seeing bbh skeppy and 2 other guys one wherein a amazing looking strawberry dress and a crown and the other wearing a beanie like Wilbur but his said LAFD on it and a blue hoodie.
Bbh noticed Y/N and gave her a wave.
Y/N waved back with her now even bloodier hand.
Y/N your hands bleeding the man with the strawberry dress said as he walked towards Y/N.
Y/N flinched and walked back a bit scared that she didn't now the man

Who was this man why was he here I don't now him why is he coming towards me wh-

Before Y/N cold finish what she was finking of tubbo Came in and noticed the man walking towards Y/N and get in front of  Y/N to stop the man from coming closer.

Hey I'm not going to hurt her I'm just trying to help the man said trying to calm the young boy.
W what is there to help her with y your going to hurt her tubbo said in a shaken up voice he got the idea that the man that introduced himself as erect was trying to hurt Y/N is because she was shaken up and started acting like she did when they got hurt in the old foster homes.

Tommy heard all the noice and came downstairs with techno and Wilbur.
As I said I'm only trying to help eret said pointing to Y/N'S hand that had only got worse Y/N Was in a horrible amount of Paine tubbo had looked at Y/N'S hand and noticed the amount of pane.


I heard there screams in my head again n and again.

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