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Four Years Ago

"Vanessa! Get in this kitchen right now."

She was horrified. She knew that he loved her, but she was still scared. He yelled and it hurt her ears and her heart.

And though she was afraid, she left their bedroom and walked to the kitchen.

"Yes, Mase?" She hesitantly looked into his eyes and waited for a response.

Mason motioned for her to come closer, which she did.

"Why do you look afraid? You know that I love you." He was offended, and it was all her fault.

Her heart dropped and she rushed into his arms and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Mase. T-the way you yelled, it made me worried," She never liked making him sad. He was the greatest husband in the world. "I love you, I'm sorry,"

Mason gripped her arm and kissed her head. "Apology accepted. Now, why aren't the dishes done? You know that I like the house to be cleaned by the time that I get home." His tone was daunting.

Fear gripped her heart once more. "I-i didn't mean to," She was busy working on her online school. "I had class all day, I'm sorry! Please believe me," She hoped that he believed her. He was a true sweetheart and she didn't want to upset him.

Mason released her from his grip. "You make me seem like an evil man. I'm your husband and I love you, Nessa." He pressed a kiss onto her lips. "Now clean the kitchen and if it's cleaned within the next twenty minutes, we'll go out for dinner,"

Vanessa's heart raced. She was going to have the kitchen spotless. She loved going out with Mason, it was one of her favorite things to do. "Thank you!" She beamed and rushed to the sink. There were only a few dishes in it, but Mason was a finicky man and he liked everything to be a certain way.

"Good girl," Mason sat down and monitored her cleaning. She knew that if it wasn't done right, there would be consequences, but she strived for excellence so that Mason would love her. Pleasing him made her happy.


Present Time

Reid sat on his recliner and sighed. The woman was consuming his thoughts, so he did the wise thing and got Marco to listen.

"Sembra che abbia paura della sua stessa ombra, Marco." (It seems like she's afraid of her own shadow, Marco.)

Marco chuckled and shook his head. "Alcuni temono la propria ombra." (Well, some people are afraid of their own shadow.) He joked, but Reid wasn't here for jokes. He knew that there was something up with that beautiful woman.

"Non è il momento di scherzare. Dico sul serio. Mi stupisce come una donna possa essere così mitiera. Non è neanche un tipo di cose umili, è più come la paura." (This is not the time for joking. I'm serious. It puzzles me how such a woman could be so meek. It's not even a humble kind of thing, it's more like fear.)

She was very reserved, like an abused puppy or something, but she was well-mannered. How someone could possibly take advantage of her was outrageous to him. She was precious.

Marco waved his hand dismissively. "Forse è solo una donna timida. Sei un uomo strano. Forse è mitevole perché sei tu, avrebbe senso." (Maybe she's just a shy woman. I mean, you are a strange man. Maybe she's meek because you're you, it would make sense)

"No, non è quello. Non le ho nemmeno detto il mio nome. Se sapesse chi ero io, avrebbe detto qualcosa il giorno che l'ho incontrata." (No, no, that's not it. I haven't even told her my name. If she knew who I was, she would've said something the day I met her.) He was Alreidoculus Portalo, founder and CEO of the world-renowned Portalo Resorts and Hotels, but he knew that not everyone knew that. He avoided the spotlight that came with being successful.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now