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Seven Years Ago

"I want you to come and live with me,"

Vanessa dropped her book. "Y-you what?" She asked in utter shock.

She and Mason had been dating for two years now and this was a random demand. She had made it clear that she wouldn't do anything with him before marriage, and now he was asking about her living with him.

"I love having you around and seeing you every morning before I go to work would make me happy," Mason explained and sat next to her. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Mase," She murmured unsurely. "I-i don't know." She didn't want to make him unhappy, but she had morals.

He released her hand and moved away from her. "Vanessa, I love you and I want you to be with me. I haven't done anything wrong, yet you said no. That hurts," His eyes darkened showing how sad he was. It broke her heart.

She held his hand and sighed. "That's not what I wanted," She pressed a kiss onto his lips. "I-i just wanted to be married before moving in," She tried reasoning with him. The last thing she wanted to do was make him upset. "I'm so sorry,"

Mason gripped her waist and pulled her onto his lap. "You always like to make it seem like I'm a bad person. I love you and I only want what's best for you. If you trusted me, you would've known my intentions for having you here. It's what's best," He said sharply.

Her heart dropped. "I-i know, and I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, I was being selfish. I love you, Mase." She didn't want him to feel this way.

He cooed in her ear. "I forgive you. I am always doing what's best for you, remember that." He kissed her cheek.

His forgiveness calmed her heart. She didn't ever want to lose him, he was the best man she knew.


Present Time

"You have to tell me what happened! I mean, you're floating around the house like a butterfly! Sit still and tell me about your date!" Eva whined while following after Vanessa.

She was so happy. It had been a very long time since she had been treated with such care and given so much attention. Reid was truly a special man.

She walked to the kitchen and grabbed two packets of goldfish. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting," She handed one pack to Eva and walked to the living room. "I'm just very happy. Thank you for your help," She said sincerely. "He was so kind." She mused. "Not one time did he interrupt me when I spoke, or look at someone else. Actually, we had a private room. It was so wonderful,"

Eva clapped and wiped her eyes. "That's so freaking awesome! I love that for you!" She cheered. "He seemed like a gentleman when I met him at work, he even left me a big tip. Like $113!"

Vanessa smiled at that. It was great that Eva liked Reid as well, she wasn't a huge fan of Mason, so having her like Reid was a big thing. "That was very kind of him,"

"So, did he kiss you? Did he say something sweet with that romantic Italian accent? Tell me!" Eva begged.

Vanessa laughed lightly. Eva was a nosy girl, but that's what she loved about her. "He kissed my hand at the end of our date, and he did say something in Italian, of course, I have no clue what it was," She didn't even care. He was so mesmerizing and everything he said was admirable.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now