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Helzberg Diamonds.

Reid looked at the building and walked in. His wallet was ready to spend whatever was needed to find a ring fit for his love, along with a necklace for little Lailah.

He had the ring size for Vanessa, thanks to Eva, and he was ready.

"Welcome to Helzberg Diamonds, my name is Kevin, can I help you find anything in particular today?"

Reid looked around the shop and his eyes narrowed in on a display case of spectacular rings. "Hello. I'm looking to buy an engagement ring, something unique and divine for my love." He explained to Kevin.

"Oh, sounds like you're happily in love. We have a new case over here with rings that fit your description, would you follow me?" Kevin pointed at the display in the center of the room and Reid followed him.

Kevin stopped at the display case and motioned his hand over it. "Tell me about your future bride? Has she shown you any shapes or styles that she likes?"

Reid looked at the rings and nothing popped out. The rings were beautiful, but Vanessa needed something more spectacular. "She's a wonderful woman, full of life and joy. She's the most soft-spoken person I've ever met, she's undeniably beautiful, her soul is pure. We've never spoken about any material things that she likes, so I want her to have the best ring in this store. Money is not a matter,"

"She sounds remarkable. We have our special rings held in the vault, if you would like to see them we have a contract for you to sign." Kevin told him and Reid nodded.

"Yes, I'd love to see them."

Kevin led him back to the front and walked behind the counter. "Let me grab that contract then,"

Reid took a seat and waited for him to come back.

"Hey, you're that tool that broke my nose! The old creep that was hanging around my child!" 

Reid turned around and saw Mason. His nose certainly looked different.

"You ruined my face! You ruined it for that stupid idiot, Vanessa!" Mason yelled and got in his face.

Reid chuckled at the hump on Mason's nose. He assumed that he was the cosmetic surgery type, but maybe he wasn't. "Keep her name out of your mouth, punk. I'm not afraid to knock you out in this shop," He said lowly, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

"She's expired! And I'm not afraid of you." Mason sneered and grabbed Reid's arm.

It was a reflex. His plan wasn't to punch Mason, but he did. He jerked his arm away from Mason's grip and punched him in the face.

"Ahh! He attacked me! This man attacked me!" Mason screamed angrily and looked around the shop.

Reid rolled his eyes and saw Kevin dialing a number on the store phone.

Everyone in the store's eyes was on Mason. He was the center of their attention in all of his deluded behavior.

Reid stepped further away from Mason and leaned over the counter. "This man is unstable, it will be safe to tell everyone to keep their distance." He told Kevin.

Kevin nodded and took the key from around his neck and put it in the register.

"You broke my nose again!" Mason pointed in his direction and Reid shrugged.

"You need to keep your hands and your mouth to yourself."

Mason held his nose and walked towards Reid again. "I'm suing you! Vanessa won't want to be around her or Lailah because she doesn't like abuse." He said spitefully and laughed.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now