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"How was work, Ness?" Her father, Lucas asked.

Vanessa put Lailah's spoon back on her plate and blew raspberries. "It was work, dad. I love it sometimes, and I hate it other times," She admitted.

She loved being a financial advisor, it was her dream job. However, when people didn't agree with how she advised their finances, it became a difficult job.

She thrived in peaceful atmospheres and conflict was her worst enemy, so when things did go wrong at work, it drained her.

"I just want to get home and have a good night with my sweet girl," She said and tickled Lailah who was reaching for her spoon.

"Mommy, I want food." Lailah whined.

Vanessa handed her the spoon and Lailah ate happily.

Her mother, Jenna walked into the dining room with a Lailah's cup filled with milk. "Here you go, sweetie," She placed the cup in front of Lailah and sat down. "What is this I've been hearing about you seeing someone?"

"I, um" Vanessa never liked to lie and she wasn't going to start today. She was just nervous. After the divorce, her parents made it clear that if she ever got in a new relationship, they had to meet the guy to test him out. Reid was a wonderful man, but she wasn't ready to introduce him to her parents.

"It's true," She admitted. "He's a very nice man," She really liked him.

Jenna crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "How can you be so sure about that? How long have you known this man?" Her tone made Vanessa panic. She hated hostility.

"One month," Vanessa answered lowly. She wanted to go home now. She wasn't very comfortable anymore.

Lucas uncrossed Jenna's arms and kissed her cheek. "Change your tone. You're scaring her," He said to Jenna, who sighed.

"I'm sorry, darling. I just don't want you getting hurt again," Jenna said apologetically.

"It's okay, I understand your fear. I'm scared too, but he's been nothing but kind to me since we met," Vanessa explained. She wanted her parents to know that she was making a wise decision. She was only 17 when she met Mason, so her judgment wasn't the best. Though, when they met he was a very nice man. "H-he isn't like Mason," She whispered and hugged Lailah close to her.

Lailah was like a safe haven for her. She was the sweetest little darling in the world and she was blessed to have never experienced trauma.

"I'm done," Lailah announced and pushed her bowl away from her. "Mama?" She tugged on Vanessa's shirt.

"Yes, baby?" Vanessa cooed. She wanted to protect her from harm.

Lailah fluttered her eyelashes and smiled. "We go home?" She asked and waved her hands.

Vanessa looked at her parents and nodded. "We have to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa first," She told her and Lailah waved at her grandparents.

"Bye, bye!" Lailah screamed. "We go now!" She insisted and got out of her chair.

Vanessa laughed at her daughter's enthusiasm. "I'll see you both sometime this week, if not, I'll see you next week," She stood and kissed both of their heads. "I love you," She told them and walked to the door with Lailah trailing behind her.

Vanessa fastened Lailah into her seat and then got in the driver's seat. "Did you have fun?" She asked Lailah while driving home.

"Yes! I played," Lailah responded joyfully. "I see daddy?" She asked curiously.

Vanessa inhaled sharply and nodded. "Y-yeah. You get to see him in two days,"


"It just doesn't seem the same to me," Vanessa explained to Eva who was listening intently. "I used to think of him as right, but now that I know Reid, it's different. Reid is showing me something that Mason could never do,"

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now