• The Quidditch Match •

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Me, Saphire and the boys were sitting in the Great Hall having breakfast. The atmosphere in the hall was amazing as all the houses looked forward to the Quidditch match coming later that day.

Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

Me, Fred and George were already in our Quidditch uniform and everyone else were wearing badges supporting Gryffindor, and of course Luna Lovegood was wearing her giant roaring lion head. She was wacky but so lovable.

I looked around me, enjoying the happy looks on everyone's faces. As I peered at George he dropped his jam toast on his uniform.

"George!" I whined. "You have to play in that inform in an hour."

He just chuckled and so I rolled my eyes at him. Grabbing a napkin I turned to George and started trying to get the jam off his uniform.
I lightly rubbed his chest where the jam was smeared. He was looking straight at me while I was cleaning him.

"You just wanted a reason to touch me didn't you?" he whispered so only I could hear him.

I darted my eyes up to the smirk plastered on his face.

"Shove off Weasley, I just want my team looking presentable for the match," I smirked.

"Your team?" he teased.

"Well- the captains my brother so basically the same thing." I replied.

He scoffed lightly and thanked me for cleaning his uniform.

I watched silently as my friends all talked excitedly about Quidditch. I loved seeing them so enthusiastic.

Soon it was time to head out of the Great Hall and make our way towards the Quidditch pitch. We all got up together and started walking towards the door. As we got to the door a few Slytherins arrived at the same time as us.

Everyone stopped, not knowing if we should let the Slytherins exit first, and it seemed the Slytherins were thinking the exact same thing.

The first person to move was Malfoy. He walked forwards but instead of going to the exit, he faced the Gryffindors.

He looked around at all of us and then he laid his eyes on me. He stared at me a bit and continued to walk towards me.

He was also in his Quidditch uniform for the upcoming match.

As he approached me I felt George step slightly forward.

I looked at Draco a little confused. He waited for a moment and then held out his hand for me to shake. I didn't hesitate to shake it.

"Good luck Wood," he declared loudly.

"You too," I replied with a bright smile.

Draco was never much of a friend to me but he always showed me a high level of respect.

With that he turned on his heal and exited the hall with all the Slytherins following close behind him.

"What was that all about?" George practically shrieked.

I laughed loudly and patted his shoulder.

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