• The Yule Ball •

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A/n: I'm sorry my last few chapters have been short and not great. I wasn't very motivated but I really liked this chapter. It's longer and includes some smut so enjoy ;)


"Ms.Malfoy!" Snape called out.

"Don't- call- me- that-" I said sternly.

We were in Potions class and Snape was asking me to answer his question. Only problem is that he used that name.

"It's her name," giggled another 5th year girl from Slytherin.

I gave her a quick glare before returning my gaze to Snape.

I plucked up my courage and stood up. Now the whole class was looking at me as if I was an idiot. George reached for my hand and tried to pull me down. When he felt me resist he looked at me supportively and squeezed my hand.

"Professor, will all due respect, my name is Y/n Wood and I expect to me addressed by my name...no matter my relatives."

"I didn't like Lucius much anyways," he replied.

I hated his lack of interest in me standing up for myself. All he had to say what he didn't like Lucius? He could be dating Lucius for all I care!

"Sit back down before I give you detention," he said in his dreary, monotonous voice.

His tone of voice boiled my blood, but I wasn't in the mood to scrub his cauldrons for an hour.

I took a deep breath and sat back down.

"You didn't have to help me!" I snapped at George.

"Sorry, I was just trying to get you out of detention."

"You're not allowed ignore me for 4 weeks and then try and help me out of a detention." I whisper yelled at him.

"Well god forbid I actually care about you."

My heart stopped for a second. Me and George hadn't made any sort of conversation for 4 weeks and now he was suddenly telling me he cared for me. Can this boy make up his mind?

"Stop messing with my feelings Weasley."

"SILENCE!" Snape yelled unexpectedly.

I stared at the meaningless words on my text-book. I couldn't help but notice George gazing at me with a confused expression.

I looked up and made eye contact with him. I nearly couldn't stop myself from crying. How I missed him. The way he looked at me as if I was the only girl in the world. The way he would caress my thigh in the middle of class. The long conversations we would have about anything and everything. The amazing sex.

I missed him. Every inch of him.

He broke the eye contact and started fiddling with his quill. I could see his jaw clenching as if he was frustrated. I hated to think that I made him frustrated.

After another 15 long minutes, the class was over and I could go back to my room and scream into my pillow.

I was on my way to do just that when Harvey ran towards me. He grabbed my arm aggressively but when I looked at him he didn't look angry he looked nervous.

"Come with me!"

He pulled me by the arm into one of the empty classrooms.

"Harvey what's going on?"

"You won't believe, you won't believe, I can't believe."

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