• The Burrow •

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The next few weeks seemed to fly by and before I knew it, me and Oliver were on the Hogwarts express going home for Christmas.

My parents had a lot of of questions surrounding the incident with the Boggart but just as I had assured my friends, I told them how I knew nothing about Lucius Malfoy.

Even after my reassuring words, it was clear that their worries were not put to ease as I hoped they would have been.

Christmas Day rolled around and I was ecstatic to see a brand new Cleensweep 11. Oliver received one too and he was talking non stop about the amazing speed.

"0-70 in 10 seconds" he would cheer.

I couldn't wait to try it out!

Christmas break was flying past in a blur and my excitement was growing with every hour.

Finally the day came, the 27th December, the day I was going to the Burrow.

I was waiting by the fireplace for Arther to collect me using flu powder.

I wasn't old enough to apparate yet and Molly insisted Arther come collect me to make sure I didn't get lost in the flu network. Which I appreciated greatly as I hadn't travelled by flu powder before.

With a loud bang and a puff of green smoke, a jolly ginger man appeared in my fire place.

As he clambered out to greet us, I turned and gave mum, dad and Oliver a big, squishy hug.

"Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Wood" bellowed Arther in his happy voice.

"Hello Arther" my mum beamed. "Would you like any tea or biscuits before you're off?"

"Oh no I wish I could but I assured Molly I would come straight back" he apologised. "She gets very anxious about these things you see"

"We understand, no worries we'll have you around another time" said my dad, patting Arther on the back.

He turned towards me with a welcoming expression on his face.

"Merry Christmas Y/n, I see Santa's been very good to you this year" he said gazing down at the brand new Cleansweep 11 clutched in my right hand.

"Yeah" I nodded. "Very lucky I am" I gazed at my parents with a thankful smile.

"Alrighty" he said, clapping his hands together. "Let's go shall we?"

After Arther helped me into the fireplace he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and threw the flu powder to the ground.

"The Burrow" he announced.

After being flung around in a big green cloud of smoke I felt myself stumbling out of a completely different fireplace to which I had started in. 

"Y/n" said a high pitched voice I recognised instantly. "Oh dear, she's after falling"

Molly scuffled over to me and helped me to my feet at once.

Before I could thank her she pulled me in towards her and gave me a tight hug.

"Boys, Ginny, Hermione" she shouted. "Y/n's here"

A second after she finished her words, the door flung open and there was Ginny and Hermione.

"Hey" they squealed in unison. They both ran over to me as Molly and Arther went back into the kitchen.

"Hey guys" I giggled. "Where's the bo-"

Not finishing my question, three bright red heads and a brunette came through the back door.

Fred, George, Ron and Harry were all red faced and sweaty, holding their brooms in one hand.

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