• Man behind the door •

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A/n: I'm sorry it took so long to update. I've been so busy lately and I wanted to give you good quality chapters. Thank you for still supporting my story. You all mean a lot to me <3

*Meanwhile at Hogwarts*

"What do you mean you haven't seen her?" George questioned.

"Who saw her last?" Lee asked.

"She was sleeping in our dorm," Angelina added.

"And now she's just gone?" George screamed.

George paced up and down the common room, gripping his hair. He was struggling to understand how and why Y/n had gone missing. It was Hogwarts, they were meant to be safe here.

Saphire sat on the edge of the sofa. She was crying ridiculously hard. Her face was red and puffy. Harvey sat beside her and tried to comfort her.

At the same moment, the door burst open and in ran Fred and Harry.

"We checked with the Durmstrangs and Beauxbatons," they said, out of breath. "They haven't seen her either."

It was currently 1:42 in the afternoon, they realised no one had seen Y/n that day when they went for lunch.

Saphire and the other girls just thought she had gotten up early. The boys presumed she didn't feel like going to class that day. They only copped on that she was missing when they all sat down for lunch.

Dumbledore was aware of what was happening. Him and the other professors were checking the grounds and writing letters to people for help or information.

"What on earth are we supposed to do now?" George scoffed.

"There's nothing we can do, Dumbledore will find her, I'm sure nothings wrong," Harvey tried to reassure him.

"Nothing wrong.....NOTHING WRONG? When was the last time you went missing and there was nothing wrong? Huh? I'm going to talk to that scum bag right now."

Without another glance George stormed out of the common room and sprinted to Dumbledore office. He was out of breath when he reached the gargoyle.


"Chocolate Frog."


"Cheese and crackers."

"Cherry pie."

"Sour patch kids."

The gargoyle started to open the entrance.

"Sour patch kids....???" George said again in a confused voice.

He didn't stop to think about the unusual password for long. His long legs made it easy for him to climb the stairs quickly. Once he reached the top he knocked heavily on the door.

"Enter," and old mans voice came.

George entered the office to see Dumbledore and McGonnagal in a heated argument. McGonnagal looked terrified which didn't make George feel any better.

Dumbledore lightly walked over to George. He tried to rest a hand on George's shoulder but George shook him off.

"I understand you must be worried Mr.Weasley..."

"Obviously I'm worried Head Master, do you not realise what is happening?"

"Young boy I am fully aware of our current situation, good things come to those who wait, you must wait till everything is solved for your own safely and everyone else. Do you understand?"

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