Christmas Special ! (mirio x reader)

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Authors Note:
Date: 12/24/20

I made it so that you're Aizawa's child to change it up from the last christmas special and i hope you all enjoy it <3



" (Y/N) I really care about you. So much. All the things you hate about yourself don't matter to me because to me you're perfect in every way. I just want you to be mine, I'm in love with you (Y/N). "

I looked up into Mirio's eyes as I pulled him into my arms. Just before I kissed him I shot out of my bed and landed on the ground of my dorm room.

"Ow." If only that dream of Mirio was real </3 because ever since my dad had the Big 3 come practice with us I kind of though he was attractive, and I'll hangout with him too before class. Ahh that dream was so embarrassing but like go me 😩.

I got off the cold ground to change clothes to go to class but thankfully today is the last day because tomorrow is Christmas day ! I'm so excited to spend it with everyone instead of last year when it was just me my dad and Yamada.

I walked to the kitchen excited to eat since this morning was Katsuki's turn to make breakfast and I'll admit his food is super delicious.

After eating I bumped into Izuku and Momo which is a very odd pair.

" Hey (Y/N), Aizawa wants to see you and Momo in class early today. I bumped into him when I was jogging this morning so that's when he told me."

I looked at him surprised since I don't think I've done anything bad this week and why would he need me and Momo at the same time ? But anyways I grabbed Momo's hand as we walked to the classroom.

" So how are you and Kyoka doing ?" When I first heard Momo and Kyoka were dating I was a little jealous since I had a little tincy wincy crush on Momo in the begging of the year but Mirio makes my heart go BRRRR.

She looked towards me to respond " We're doing good I actually asked her family to come over for my New Years Party and it'll be so fun!" She was basically beaming in excitement over the party.

'Lucky Kyoka.' I mumbled to myself. :(

We made it to the classroom to talk to my dad.

"Oh good you both got here earlier than expected." My dad said while turning arounf to see us. " I wanted to ask the both of you to help wrap the presents for christmas."

" ARE WE GONNA OPEN THEM TONIGHT?!!" ( My family is Latino and we do this every year and I just wanted to add it for funzie sake 😉 )

" No (Y/N) we're not doing that this year. " He said sighing. "But since this is the last day before our break I thought it'd be good for the two of you wrap the presents for your classmates while they're learning, and since you're both the smartest people in this class I know that by missing a day you won't get behind."

" YES! An extra off day."

" Anyways thank you Mr. Aizawa. " Momo said while bowing to him ignoring your outburst.

"oh yeah thanks i guess. " I said staring at my dad.


Me and Momo made it back to the dorms to start wrapping the present my dad hid in a closet on the first level.

" So Momo I was thinking that for each person maybe you could make the wrapping paper be similar to their quirk so they're able to recognize which is theirs without confusion." I told her as we sat down in the common area.

"Um could you give me an example because I'm not really catching on." She told me confused.

"Like for Koji you could make it where it has animals on it, and Hanta's would have spiderman, and Kastuki's could have explosion on it." I explained to her.

"Ohh I see (Y/N), and while I make the paper you can actually wrap the present !" She said excitedly.

After a few hours we finished wrapping and we set up the dorm for the party the next day. Momo went back to her room a half hour ago and the class should be coming back soon. I finished setting up the presents under the enormous tree we had. Complimentary of Katsuki's girlfriend.

Suddenly I smelt something sweet and then I started getting drowsy and stumbling all around until I made it to the couch to fall asleep.

I woke up to lights shining all around me.

"what. is. going. on."

"Oh evening sleeping beauty we were wondering how long you would sleep for." I heard a hot voice say to me.

I looked to my side to see Mirio staring right into my eyes. Man I love this dude so much.

" what are you talking about? " I looked over the back of the couch to see food covering each part of the counter and everyone wearing christmas themed clothing.

Eijiro noticed me getting up and alerted everyone else in the room " Look guys (Y/N) is finally up! "

"fucking finally."

"hey thats mean >:( Katsuki." Mina said with her cheeks puffed out.

Mirio grabbed my hand which OBVIOUSLY caught my attention

We had midnight knock you out so we could set everything up by Aizawa's request. He said you wanted to celebrate tonight for some reason?"

After hearing him say that my eyes immediately lit up and I ran around to find my Dad. For some reason he just had to be on the roof of the dorm, but even so I ran up to him to give him a hug.

" Thank you so much. " I told him on the verge of tears.

" I know this was what she would've wanted and I know how much this meant to you (Y/N)."

We stood outside for a while until Mirio came in and told my dad that Katsuki made Denki short circuit all the christmas trees' lights.

Before my dad left he stared at Mirio for a few seconds and Mirio just nodded his head. I turned back around to look at the sky.

"You should get back to the party everyone's waiting for you so we can open presents. "

" Mirio, do you ever wish you could see Sir Nighteye again even for just one minute?" you asked him quietly.

He looked surprised as his smile died down a little.

"All the time. I feel as if an important part of my life was ripped away from me, but it's even sadder since there's no way I can retrieve it back."

I hugged him quickly to hide my tears falling down my cheeks.

" Listen (Y/N) I care about you. So much. You're always there for me and eri and you put others before yourself. " He grabbed my cheek forcing me to look him in the eyes. " I hate seeing you cry so I want to tell you. I'm in love with you (Y/N). "

My eyes widened and even more tears came down due to all the different emotions I was feeling in the moment. I pulled Mirio closer to me.

" Te amo. "


Happy Holidays everyone!! I hope everyone's doing okay and is healthy and taking care of themselves

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