Chapter Three ↷ Pour the Champagne

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The decorating ended about three hours before the party, leaving everyone to go home and change into party attire and come back and get wasted. Dan didn't want to come back at all, but Phil practically dragged him down the street so he could hurry and find something to wear before it was too late, and Dan could never say no to Phil.

"And anyway, you seemed to hit it off with that American Horror Story girl. Why wouldn't you come back?" Phil had said, and that was pretty much a deal-breaker.

Dan was currently staring at himself in the mirror, hoping that the impossible would happen and clothes would magically appear on him if he stared hard enough. But two minutes and no clothes later, it was pretty obvious that if he wasn't dressed, he'd be going out to a party naked and be arrested for streaking.

It took a while for him to get dressed, because he was still transfixed on himself in the mirror, asking himself if it was worth it to go out to the murderhouse for a party.The only reason he was actually even going was for Phil and Sarah, and Sarah wasn't infatuated with him like he was with her.

He was doing it for Phil. That's it, absolutely the only reason.


He'd finally ended up getting dressed and leaving with Phil for the party, although it took him three shouts from Phil and a threat to tell Zoe that got him there.

He and Phil walked inside the club, Dan trailing a long distance behind Phil, reluctant to enter again. He'd already decorated this place, wasn't that enough?

Zoe greeted the two at the door immediately, pulling them in for a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, leaving a dark red stain on the twos pale faces.

"I'm so glad you made it back! You both should know where everything is, but if you're looking for everyone else they should be at the snack table," Zoe informed them, running to greet the next group that flowed in.

Dan was left alone almost instantly as Phil went to go say hi to Louise. He didn't exactly know what to do, as the couch was filled with a bunch of girls taking selfies, and Dan didn't care to join. He went and leaned against the wall and pulled out his phone, waiting for the night to end.

"Oh hey Dan!" A perky voice chirped, and he turned to see Sarah, all in her long legged glory, in a skirt.

Dan quickly shoved his phone into his pocket and tried to look cool and casual, a look he'd mastered over the years, "Oh yeah, uh, hi Sarah. I - I didn't know you'd be here."

Sarah giggled, "I wouldn't miss this party for the world. My friends are all taking selfies on the couch," figures, "and my camera roll is already filled up. Take some shots with me?"

Dan needed to make an excuse, he wanted to make an excuse, but he couldn't. She was a cute girl asking him to take some shots with her, practically irresistable. Harmless. Dan nodded and he was soon being dragged by the shockingly strong girl over to the bar.

"Do you want vodka? I do, let's order some vodka," Sarah carelessly muttered, glancing at Dan, making that about the only identification that she was talking to him.

Four vodka shots each were placed in front of the two. Sarah's eyes were the size of the moon, and Dan looked like he'd just made a horrible, horrible mistake. 

Sarah picked up a drink, Dan doing the same, and clinked her glass against his, "Cheers!" 

Dan downed the shot of vodka quickly, his throat burning as it went down. He squeezed his eyes shut and puckered his lips as he sat the glass back down, Sarah giggling at his actions. 

"C'mon, it's not that bad. You act like a kid who just had to down a little thing of medicine," Sarah commented, reaching for another drink. 

Dan scoffed, "Oh I was just joking, obviously. I drink vodka all of the time, I just wanted to make you feel better if you did it," and drank another shot. 

The two continued to drink, no conversation going on at all. Dan found himself trying his hardest to keep up with Sarah, which was probably a bad idea. He was a self-titled lightweight, and he had started feeling hazy after the third shot. He was downing his eighth shot, and Sarah was ordering another round as she slammed down the final shot glass. 

"C-can we stop yet?" Hiccuped Dan, resting his head on the bar as his thought processing slowly became foggy. 

"You're such a lightweight, Dan," Sarah hiccuped herself, "Just this one last round and then we'll stop." 

And after that, all Dan remembers is the taste of blueberry chapstick. 

I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick. 

So I was supposed to be on a little writing break, but I wanted to get out one good little update. 

And I'm 13, so I have no clue how vodka works other than what I've heard and seen, so please correct me if I have anything wrong with how the whole drinking thing works. 

That's about it I think...bye!

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