Chapter Two ↷ Back to the Room Where It All Began

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Sarah slammed the car door to her car and waited for the lanky likes of Dan Howell to follow behind her. 

Their car ride to the store was nothing less than awkward, as Dan tried to make conversation with Sarah to which she'd only giggle or give a one word answer in response.

If she was trying to be mysterious, she was doing a damn good job of it. 

When Dan finally gets out of the car to catch up with her, she turns to him and hands him the list, "Do you mind holding the list?" When he absentmindedly shakes his head, Sarah smiles and begins to walk towards the entrance of the store, Dan stumbling along behind her. 

Dan had never been well with girls per se, with the exception of his younger fans and girls he wasn't attracted to, and he was attracted to any girl who looked nice. It works that way with everyone, Dan supposes. 

The store was relatively crowded, with long lines and shopping carts clanking everywhere. A typical Saturday afternoon. 

Sarah had already disappeared somewhere, leaving Dan to find all the things on the long list on his own, hoping she'd show up again sooner or later. Dan should be mad at her, but he couldn't find it in his heart to because of her face. 

"Damn it," he cursed to himself, for this always seemed to happen to him. 

It wasn't classified as a crush, as he hadn't used the word 'crush' to describe being 'in the likes' with someone since primary, and he was an almost twenty-four year old man. He just found her attractive. Insanely attractive. And she also liked American Horror Story, so it obviously couldn't get any better than that. 

Besides Dan Howell's crush-that-wasn't-a-crush on Sarah, he'd finally put the last thing into the small shopping cart and went to go look for her. 

Much to his surprise, she was already waiting in line clutching two magazines to her chest. He politely jumped the lady behind Sarah and pointed at the magazines she was clutching, "What are those?" 

"Oh, just Rolling Stone," she muttered, placing the things for the man behind the counter to check out. 

Although the groceries didn't seem to be the only thing he was checking out, as it seemed to take him a minute to start scanning after he noticed her.

"Hi, I'm Billie. Did you find everything to go okay with your shopping today?" He asked her, which Dan obviously didn't remember 'Billie' asking the man in front of him the question, so he didn't have the right. 

Sarah giggled, something that she's apparently always doing, "Yeah, thanks." 

Dan glared at Billie from behind Sarah as she casually flirted with the guy behind the counter. He listed all the reasons in his head that Billie was a horrible person though (although some, if not all of them were made up), so that made him feel slightly better. 

He checked out his items with Sarah's and paid for everything. Hey, he might as well. Rolling Stone magazines weren't that expensive anyway. And when he and Sarah were finished checking out, he was sure not to say thank you.  

The two had gotten back to the murderhouse club (which Dan had so nicely came up with) a little over fifteen minutes later. Once again, Sarah had left Dan to do all the heavy work. He had to balance up to five bags upon each arm, because one of his motto's were two trips are for pussies, and he strongly believed in that generalization. 

Zoe greeted him at the door, taking a couple of the bags, "Thanks Dan! Sarah didn't help you carry any bags in?" 

"No," he responded, "I don't mind, though. She didn't have to." 

"Okay, if you say so," Zoe sighed before walking to the little kitchen where she put the bags she carried down. Dan followed and did the same. 

He remembered to take out the two magazines Sarah had got, and went to find her and give them to her. 

He found her standing around with the girls hanging up streamers, and tapped on her shoulder. 

"Aw, thanks Dan!" She grinned at him and gave him a hug. It was unnecessary, but of course Dan didn't mind. 

In fact, he walked away with a dopey grin on his face, and bumped right into Marcus. 

"Are you alright, buddy? You look like you just got kissed by a girl you had a crush on," Marcus questioned. And Dan didn't know how to respond to it, as that was almost the case. 

This was a dumb chapter. I didn't know how to end it but I wanted it posted today, and I'm sorry. I'm not going to promise you a better next chapter, as I don't know what's going to happen yet. 

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