Chapter One ↷ Last to Be Let Go

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"It's been on your calendar since December!" Zoe exclaimed over the phone, "I mean, if you even bothered to write it down. But even if, every time we've talked I've reminded you! Do you even listen to a thing I'm saying?"

Zoe paced back and forth in the Lester/Howell residence. She was on the phone with her boyfriend, Alfie, whom she seemed to be more than just a bit annoyed with at the moment. 

Dan and Phil sat on the couch, trying to focus on their laptops, but with Zoe screeching into the phone and stomping her foot, they really couldn't help themselves but see what was going on. 

Zoe groaned audibly before she turned to look at Dan, whoms head shot back down to his laptop so quick it took a while to focus on what he was even looking at, "Dan? You remember what today is, don't you?"

Of course, since Zoe was already annoyed, the best thing to do was nod and mutter yeah, totally, because that's what friends were supposed to do and pray that they'd be told what it was again. She smiled at Dan proudly before she went back to snapping at Alfie. The poor guy, he has a busy schedule. 

"Even Dan remembered the party tonight! You better get dressed and meet me at the club so we can start decorating," Zoe warned. 

This was a day in the life of a YouTuber when they weren't filming. Their lives may seem perfect, but this was the harsh reality. 

After a while, Zoe scoffed, "Of course it's not going to be just you and I. I don't think I can stand to be in a room alone with you for the time being, I'm bringing Joe and the guys and a few of my girl friends." 

The two that sat on the couch had both neglected their laptops to the empty space of the couch and watched the scene that played before them, because there hasn't been this much action in the Lester/Howell residence since Phil broke his mirror and then Dan's, both in the same day. 

Zoe hung up the phone a few minutes later, pouting her lips and crossing her arms as she stood in the middle of the room, before she turned to look at the two guys and her smile returned back to her face. 

"So, you are coming to the party right? I'm sorry about that." 

The two didn't even know about a party, but they stuck to the friendship code and did what they did best; nodded their heads and went yeah, totally. 

Zoe had convinced Dan and Phil to help her decorate the party with a few other friends of hers, only a select few of which the two actually knew. 

The club that they were decorating didn't have a sign that said the name or anything, and looked more like a brick building which held a ton of undiscovered murdered corpses than a club. 

A group of people lounged outside the club on their phones, but all looked up when they saw Zoe, ran towards her, and eneveloped her in a large group hug. 

She smiled at everyone once they all let go, and then pointed at Dan and Phil who awkwardly smiled and stood away from everyone, "Those are Dan and Phil, they do the same thing I do. They're helping us decorate," she then went through all of the girls and named them, but the boys didn't bother to remember them as they'd never actually see them again, but they smiled and nodded at all of them and politely said hello.

"So, shall we start decorating?" Zoe asked everyone as she went and opened the door to the club. 

The inside was basically just like the outside, looking like it could hide bodies everywhere. There was a bar directly in front of the entrance, and if you turned there would be a couch, a dance floor, and if you looked in the corner there was another couch and a door which Dan presumed led to a bedroom, because it seemed like one of those types of clubs. 

Zoe had grabbed Phil and demanded he go help Marcus, Joe, Louise, and one of the other girls with blowing up balloons, so Dan awkwardly and went and sat on the center couch to wait for Zoe to come back and demand Dan to do something. 

"Dan?" Zoe called out. Dan immediately stood up and waited for Zoe's directions. Trailing behind Zoe was one of the girls that Dan had already forgotten the name of. He knew it started with an S, so it was probably 'Sam' or something like that, "Do you mind going with Sarah to the store to get food and all that? She has the list so she'll share it with you. I know you don't know her that well, but all the other girls are going to help me with other things." 

"Of course, Z. You don't have to explain," Dan responded with a small shrug of his shoulders. 

Zoe smiled thankfully at him and handed him some money before she left the two of them to go on their way. 

Sarah was only a few inches shorter than Dan, and was wearing a baggy American Horror Story sweater and black leggings and a beanie. She was also very attractive, so Dan found himself staring at her longer than the average person. 

She didn't seem to mind, however, as she only laughed at the staring and whistled in Dan's face, "I don't know how to snap, so I did the second best thing," she laughed again, "Are you ready to go?"

Dan nodded at her, and he followed her out the door. 


Chapter One of Sarah Smiles! I'm quite proud of this chapter, as I went through several different renditions of third person POV and was about ready to give up until this idea popped into my head. I was about ready to give up, to be honest. 

Erm, well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a nice rest of the day/night, whatever time it is where you are and um...until next time!

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