Being the New Kid...again: Chapter 4

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Gwen's POV

The weekend had passed very quickly, and Gwen had a lot of fun. Between her 'History' lessons and Hanging out with Peter, she didn't have time to brood anymore. Apparently, this 'Civil War' Peter had mentioned was actually a rift in the hero team called the Avengers. 

This weird legal document was issued and half of the Avengers supported it, and half didn't. Then there was a bunch of fighting, Peter said he stole Captain Americas's shield, which was cool, he even had it on video! Though it was weird, Cap is male here. 

 Peter told her of his recent battle with the vulture and his gang. She didn't like how Stark took the suit away but was impressed with how Peter still did the right thing, even without the fancy tech. 

He also mentioned lifting a building off of himself, she hadn't done that yet, and though it seemed to be not fun, It also sounded 'wicked cool'. 

Peter and herself were currently swinging to school, they were late and needed to get there quickly. Peter had explained the school's core values and topics, she did well with most of it and was in pretty much all of Peter's classes, she even put an entry for some of the clubs he was in, cause Robotics sounded sweet!

They both landed in an ally, and put clothes on over there suits, Peter had taken to doing it, as it took to long to put it on in an emergency, Gwen had agreed to that. There were only three minutes till the bell, so they ran. 

Since Gwen had come the day before they didn't need to go to the office for her schedule, so they both rushed into Advanced Geometry, their first class, and Homeroom. 

She took the seat next to Peter, trying to ignore the stares. 

"Now class, we have a new student today, everyone please say hello to Gwen Stacy" everyone turned to her and offered their greetings, ranging from a mumbled 'hey', to a bubbly 'Hello'. and the class began. School wasn't too hard, she had read Peters books and though they were advanced, she could handle it. 

Decathalon wasn't today, Gwen had also signed up for that, as there was an open spot. No today was robotics lab, which Gwen was excited about. Peter had explained that once you finish your main project, you could use the lab for your own projects, Peter sometimes used it for Spiderman equipment. 

But school like all things were not perfect. 

"Hey Penis! Got yourself a girlfriend?"

Yup, Flash Thompson, the bully that seems to fallow Peter everywhere. He was in every class, every club, he was everywhere, Gwen honestly thought the guy was either obsessed with Peter, to the point of a possible crush and just showed it weirdly. Or that Flash hated Peter for some reason that she didn't know, when she asked Peter about it, and told him her two opinions on the matter, Peter looked disgusted with the first one, (she would too) and puzzled after the second. He said he had never done anything to Flash, that he knew of.

Gwen looked at Flash, whom she had been told was really named Eugene. He was ranting about Peter being a lier, attention seeker, and a wimp. And other things she didn't want to pay any attention to. 

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