Endgame-3: Chapter 24

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Alright! Endgame Part 3! I'm only gonna focus on Nat, Clint, Peter, and Gwen, because well...that's the only one that changes. 

Here we go!

3rd Person

The Avengers speed through the quantum realm, their navicomputers finding the needed time vortexes, to which they would fly into. 

As quickly as it started, Gwen, Natasha, Peter, Clint, Rhodey, and Nebula all appear on earth 2014. 

"Okay...we're on earth how do we get to Morag?" Peter asked. 

Clint pulls a shrunken Benatar out of a pouch, "We got this beauty!" 

Nebula quickly snatches the small ship from his hands "No! I wouldn't trust my Terran cellular device with you, let alone the Benatar!" 

"Aw, man..."

Quickly Nebula un-shrunk the Benatar, and they were en-route to Morag.

When they arrived, Nebula and Rhodey got up, and lowered the pod. 

"Alright" Nebula said "I have the coordinates in, all you have to do is not fall out" 

"That won't be hard" Clint chuckles, everyone else chuckled as well, but at him. 

After the pod was lowered and Rhodey and Nebula were on their way, the rest of the team boarded the Benatar and strapped in for the quick ride to Vormir.


The Benatar quickly finished its programmed hyperjump sequence and began to take them to a dark, desolate planet. 

When they exit the ship, they're met with a ginormous twin-peaked mountain. 

"Wow," Clint exclaimed "under different circumstances, this would be cool"

"I don't know what circumstances you're in, but were on an alien planet, and we've gone back in time...this is the coolest day on my life...besides when Gwen agreed to be my Girlfriend...sure our situation is a little stressful...but how hard could plucking a stone off the top of a mountain be?" Peter rambled. 

"Peter! Don't jinx it!" Gwen growled, "Also that was very sweet...but focus!" 

"Yes ma'am"

The group began to climb the tall mountain, by the time they were half-way, Clint was huffing for breath, Natasha was a little red-faced, and Peter and Gwen were wondering if they should leave the two slowpokes behind.

"Hurry up!" 

"Okay you two...*huff*...neither I nor Nat happens to have any super abilities...*cough*...give us a minute" 

Natasha though was already ready to continue "They're right...you're getting old Clint" 

Clint didn't say anything the rest of the way up. 

By the time they reached the top, Both Natasha and Clint were ready to pass out, and Peter and Gwen were wondering if it is easier to go up and get the stone themselves. 

Seeing the two twenty-one-year-olds looking at them weirdly, Natasha exclaimed "You know...I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain" 

"Umm" Peter mumbled "I'm pretty sure he's not a raccoon...you know, 'cause he says that--"

"Oh, whatever he eats garbage!" 

"Natasha Daughter of Ivan, Clint, son of Edith, Gwendolyn daughter of George, Peter son of Richard and Mary"

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