Chapter 22

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POV Zayn

When I open my eyes, I remember that today we have  meeting with the teacher of Harry to see how he is  doing in school. We have our meeting at 10 am, but when I look at the alarm clock, my eyes widen. It is already  9.30 am, we are going to be late. "Liam, babe, we need to wake up, we overslept, we have the meeting with the teachers in 30 minutes" I tell him while shaking him awake. "What?" asks with his morning voice. "Today we have the meeting with the teachers from the school, and we are late" With that said, his eyes widen and we both step out of our bed and do our morning routine really quickly. 

After 30 minutes, all four of us are dressed and ready to go out. Today the boys have a free day, but they can't go with us to the school , so we bring them to Liams parents. "Come on boys, get your shoes on" I say when I see that they are just standing by the door, looking tired. Slowly they take their shoes and put them on. When they also have their jackets on, we all step in to the car and quickly drive toward the house of Liams parents, luckily it isn't that far away.

After we dropped of the boys, we park the car at the school. We step out of the car and sprint towards the entrance of the school. We go to the classroom that was on the invitation. once there I pull the door open and we walk in side, to only see one man left in the room. "Excuse me mister, we are looking for the teachers of class 1.c, do you maybe know where they are?" Liam asks. "Jeah actually, I am one of the teachers of that class" he says and turns around, so that we can finally see his face. I see Liam shrink back a bit by the sight of the boy, so I grab his hand to comfort him. And I am not sure, but I thought the teacher was looking at our hands with a frown but I didn't really care. 

"Oh hi Liam" the man says "I'm Thomas" he says and sticks his hand out to introduce himself. "Hi" Liam answers but instead of looking at the man, he is looking at the floor, and I frown. But the name does ring a bell. And then it hits me, a memory from when we were 15 years old, and Liam is standing at my door heartbroken, because his boyfriend Thomas cheated on him. "O, I know who you are" I say and ignore his out stretched hand and give him a death glare instead. I really don't like the man, and that's when it hits me, that this man is also Harry's teacher, I don't like the idea of that at all. Liam notices my angry glare, and takes my hand while stepping closer to me. "It's alright love" he whispers into my ear and I relax slightly but still glare at the man. And Thomas is looking back at me with a little smirk on his face, and I get a bad feeling. 

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