Chapter 30

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POV Zayn

I arrive at the school in record time, I park the car in the closest spot and rush in to the school. After a bit of searching, I finally find the nurses office. When I walk in I see Harry holding an ice pack to his eye and Niall sitting next to him with an arm around him. "What happened?" I ask shocked, because I can't believe my baby has a blue eye. "He said he fell off the stairs, and he also has quite a few bruises on his back and stomach, so they will need to be looked after at home" the nurse explains, who I didn't know was there. "Did you fell off the stairs?" I ask him not believing him, because then he wouldn't have so many bruises. He doesn't answer so I look at Niall instead, hoping he could give me some more information. "We will tell you at home" he tells me, and I know then that the story of falling down the stairs isn't true. But I don't push it, I will wait to Liam gets home, so we can have a family talk about it. "Thank you for looking after my son" I tell the nurse. "Of course, that's my job" she tells me with a big smile.

When we got home I sent the kids upstairs to play, because I wanna wait with talking to them till Liam gets home. When they are upstairs I pick my phone up and dial liam's number to inform him on what happend. After a couple rings he answers "Hey love, why are you calling?"   "Hi darling,  when are you getting home because we need to have a little talk with kids" I say straight to the point. "Why? Is something wrong?" "I think something is going on with Harry, but I don't exactly know what"  "What?" he says and I can hear concern and worry in his voice. "Yea the school called to pick him up because he had fallen down the stairs, but I don't believe the story because he has too many bruises for that"  "I brought Niall home as well, because he wanted to stay with his brother" I continue  "I'll come home as soon as I can okay?" "Yes please do" I say. We say quick goodbye to each other and Liam ends the call.

Around four o'clock I hear the front door opening and not much later Liam appears in the livingroom where I'm reading a book. "So what is going on?" He asks when he sees me.  "I don't know yet, I wanted to wait with talking to them till you got home" I tell him and he nods understanding. "So let's go up" he says and we make our way to Harry's room. When we come in we see them sweetly playing with the trains. "You should tell them" Niall says but Harry shakes his head and gives Niall a pleading look. "Okey so Harry didn't really fall from the stairs, there is this boy in his class that has been bullying him" Nialls tells us, and my mouth drops open, how is it that we didn't notice. We don't say anything for a while and Harry begins sniffling so Liam takes him into a hug. "I'm sorry" he says softly, but because it was quiet, we could hear him. Liam and I look at each other shocked, did he just really speak? "What are you sorry for love?" Liam asks.  "For not telling you sooner" "That's alright bud, but these kind of things you need to tell us okay?" Liam says to him softly. "Niall do you know who this guy is?" "I think his name is Stan or something" he tells us. Harry is still in Liams hug but we can see he is more calm than he was before.

"Alright we are going to call the school, and arrange a meeting with the principal so we can talk about the situation and how we can solve it" I say. Harry slowly comes out of the hug and rubs his eyes. "Are you tired bud?" Liam ask and Harry nods. "Alright why don't you take a little nap, and then we will call your school" Liam says and the boy nod. "I'm staying with Harry" Niall tells us, and we kinda expected it, because Niall is really protective of Harry.

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