Chapter 19

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POV Zayn

We walked around the whole school and saw al the important places, that Harry needed to know about, like the bathroom and the field. Right now we are walking toward the Harry's classroom. When we arrive we see his teacher miss Gorden standing at the door. "Alright Harry, have a fun day at school and we will be here to pick you and Niall up in a few hours" Liam says and gives him a kiss on the head and I do the same thing. He waves at us as we walk off, I hope everything will be okey, I hope the children won't tease or bully him because he isn't talking. "It will be alright love" Liam says when he sees my worried face and I nod, jeah everything will be fine.

POV Harry 

I wave at my daddies till I don't see them anymore. I just really hope they will be back and don't leave me here. "Come on Harry lets go in" my teacher says and guides me in to the classroom. We stop in front of the room and everybody turn to look at us, and I look at the ground because I don't like all the attention. "Hello class, this is our new student Harry Styles, make sure he feels welcome" she says. "You can sit next to Stan, Stan can you put your hand up?" she asks and then I see a boy with blond hair in the back of the room put his hand up. I slowly walk towards the empty seat next to him, and the closer I come the better I can see the boy, he looks way taller and bigger then me. I sit down on my seat and the boy begins talking "I'm Stan nice to meet you" I just nod. "Why did you switch schools?" he ask and I don't answer. "Why don't you answer me, that's quite rude" he says. "You think you're too good to be here aren't you?" and he sounding more and more angry by the minute. And this is exactly what I was afraid of, people teasing me for not talking. Why did the teacher tell me to sit here? 

Now it's time for recess, so I walk out the classroom, but suddenly get pulled to the side and see Stan standing there with a couple of other guys. "Come on boy, see something, or that a cat get your thong" he teases and the laugh at me. In class he left me alone after I didn't answer, but I have the feeling that won't happen now. "Aw maybe he doesn't now how to talk, just like baby's" another boy giggles and high fives Stan. They things they are saying are getting meaner and meaner, but I don't do anything, because maybe I deserve this. When they see our teacher approaching Stan says "What a good joke, it was really funny, we will see you outside" he says with a big smile and gives him a pat on the shoulder, and let me tell you it was harsher then a normal pat. "Oh and don't tell anybody about this or else you will regret it" he whispers so nobody can hear. It was only my first day and it is already horrible. 

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