Chapter 15

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POV Harry

A couple of days ago, I met Niall and his two daddies. I really liked Niall, but his daddies looked a little bit scary. Louise told me the same evening, that they would like to adopt me. And I kind of like that idea, because that would mean, I got to spend more time with Niall.

POV Niall

I woke up tired, but then realize that today is the day we are going to take Harry home with us. So I jump out of bed, and run over to the room of my daddies, I barge in and begin jumping on their bed. "WAKE UP DADDY, WAKE UP PAPA, TODAY IS A IMPORTANT DAY" I yell. I see my daddies open their eyes tiredly, and daddy looks toward the alarm clock and says "Baby, it's only six in the morning, it's to early, we're going to the adoption centre around twelve, so let's sleep for a little more" Zayn says and I put, but go lay down in between their bodies and I feel the arms of my daddies fall over me.

POV Zayn

The next time I wake up, I look at the alarm clock and see it's nine o'clock, and I think this is a great time to stand up, so I stretch my body, and slowly step out of bed, careful not to wake up the other two. I put on some jogging and a sweater and walk downstairs and start cooking breakfast. Not much later I hear two pair of steps going down the stairs, first I see Niall running in and he sits down at the time, and to honest, I have never seen him this exited. Then comes in my beautiful husband, he walk toward me and gives me a kiss, and starts setting the table. When everything is ready, we all sit down and I look around proudly at the people I love.

After dinner, Liam needed to make a couple of phone calls, I made a beginning of a painting and Niall was playing in his room. Around 11 a.m. it was finally time to go so I called Niall down. "Niall, come downstairs, it time to go to the adoption centre." "I'm coming" I hear him answer and not much later we hear footsteps and Niall appearing in the living room. "All ready to go" Niall tells us. And we walk towards the car, starting our way to the adoption centre.

Exactly at 12 o'clock we arrive at the adoption centre and walk in to see Louise and Harry standing there already, with Louise holding two bags, witch I'm guessing belong to Harry. "Hi Harry" Niall says excitedly when he sees Harry, and walks up to him and gives him a hug, and I can see a tiny smile appear on Harry's face. After they break the hug, Liam and I talk to Louise a little bit, about important things to know, and the two little boys have their own little conversation, which exist off Niall babbling about a lot of things. After Louise is done talking, we say goodbye. "Bye Harry have fun with your new family" Louise says and waves to him. He waves back and takes Niall hand, before they start walking toward our car. Now we can go home, with a family that is finally complete.

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