Chapter 19

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~ Grace's POV ~

I was standing in the driveway of the Yoast household shooting hoops with Sheryl when a car pulled up. Coach Boone and his daughter Nicki stepped out. Boone nodded to me.

"Morning Speedy."

"Hey, Coach," I said, smiling.

"How you doing, Coach?" Boone said to Sheryl.

"Good morning," Sheryl said.

"Where's your dad?"

"He's in his office."

"Nicki, you all right?" Boone asked

"Yes, Daddy." She responded. Boone nodded his head.

"Okay." He said before heading out back to speak with Yoast.

"What you doing?"

"Shooting some hoops. Want to play?" Sheryl asked, throwing the basketball at her. Nicki dodged the ball letting it go rolling down the driveway.

"I just did my nails," Nicki said, raising her hands to show the pink nail polish that adorned them

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"I just did my nails," Nicki said, raising her hands to show the pink nail polish that adorned them.

"I hate nail polish," Sheryl grumbled as she went to get the basketball. I laughed a bit. I walk over to Nicki and place my hand out. She looks at me.

"May I?" I ask, gesturing to her nails. She places her hand in mine and I crouch down to get a better look. "They're very pretty," I say, smiling brightly at her. Nicki smiles back.

"Thanks, it's my favorite color." She said proudly. I let out a light laugh. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming from the backyard. 

"Nicki, ready to go?" I hear Boone ask from behind me. I watch as she nods, "Alright you can get in the car then." He says. Nicki hugs me.

"Bye, Sheryl! Bye, Grace!" Nicki says before jumping back into the front seat. Sheryl and I wave back at her. Boone looks at me.

"She likes you." He says looking at his daughter. I shrug.

"Well, I like her too. She's sweet." I say turning to face Boone. He smiles.

"You know, Nicki has been asking about you, Karen too. Carol said she'd talked to you at the Hayfield game. Said you'd be more than happy to come by to watch them." Boone said. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'd love to. Sheryl's been asking about Nicki too. Maybe I could bring her over someday." I suggest. Boone smiles.

"Sounds like a good idea." He says before getting in his car. I watch as they pull out of the driveway.


I was walking up one of the stairwells on my way to class when I noticed two of my friends, Sophia and Ruby staring out the window at Sunshine who was doing Tai-Chi in the courtyard. I lean against the rail and listen to their conversation.

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