Chapter 2

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~ Grace's POV ~

I was sitting at the table at the Yoast household, doing summer homework for school. I was looking after Sheryl while Coach was in his office, busy searching for a new head coaching position. I have known Sheryl since she was born and she's always looked up to me as a sister. Ever since Sheryl's mom walked out on them, I stepped in to take care of Sheryl when Yoast couldn't. I was in the middle of writing down some notes when there was a knock at the door. Sheryl got up from the table to open it.

"What do you want?" Sheryl says bitterly.

"Is Coach Yoast here?" I heard Coach Boone ask from outside the door. I sat up and started to walk towards the door.

"We're busy... Interviewing for head coaching jobs. Gotten 11 offers so far and certainly no time for you." She growled as she started to close the door.

Sheryl!!" I yell as I grab the door and open it back up again. "Sheryl, go to your room," I say as I look down at her brooding face. She glares at Coach Boone before stomping up the stairs. I turn back to Herman with an apologetic look on my face.

"I'm sorry about Sheryl, she's just taking it pretty hard," I say looking up at the stairs to make sure she went to her room.

"It's alright Grace. I understand," Boone said. I smiled.

"Well, come on in. Coach is in his office out back." I say as he walks through the door.

I show him the way to the barn out back before I make my way up to Sheryl's room. I knock on the door before opening it. I see Sheryl sitting on her bed with her arms crossed, pouting.

"Wanna talk about what happened down there?" I ask as I lean on the door frame

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"Wanna talk about what happened down there?" I ask as I lean on the door frame. Sheryl shakes her head.

"Nothing to talk about." She glowers. I sigh before making my way into her room.

"I think there is," I say as I sit down next to her. "You're angry." I point out. Sheryl sighs and lays her head in my lap as I stroke her hair. "Talk to me, Sheryl," I say.

"I'm just upset Daddy lost his job. This was supposed to be his hall of fame year." She said bitterly.

"I know Sheryl. But Everything happens for a reason." I say. Sheryl sits back up, her eyes full of curiosity.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"With the school being integrated, the team is gonna need something new to shake things up. I think Coach Boone might be the right man for the job. The missing piece of the puzzle you know?" I explain. Sheryl nods her head.

"Maybe. But what about Coach?" She looks up at me, tears in her eyes.

"You're daddy can help him. You just have to convince him too." I say standing up. "Now, you missy, need to get some sleep okay?" I say. Sheryl grumbles but gets under the covers. "Good night, Sheryl," I say as I kiss the top of her head.

"Good night, Grace," She says sleepily as I turn off the lights and close her door.

~ Gerry's POV ~

I sat in a diner with a bunch of boys from the team and their parents. Apparently, T.C. made Herman Boone the head coach of the football team, and now Coach was gonna make an announcement to address it.

Grace was watching over Sheryl while Coach was here with us, so I sat next to my mother at the same table Alan and his father were sitting at. Ray was sitting at the table next to us. After a few minutes, Coach walked up onto the small stage and started to make his speech.

"It's been a rare privilege to have lived here as long as I have, coaching your boys. I'll be taking the year off..." Coach started. The crowd gasped and a bunch of "no's" were heard.

Coach continued, "after which I'll be moving to Loudon and taking the head coaching job at Loudon High."

In the crowd, Alan's father, Fred stood up, "I say boycott T.C. Williams! Our boys aren't playing for some 'Coach Coon!'" He yelled. An echo of agreements followed. I stood up out of my chair.

"Coach, he stole your job. I'm not playing for him. I started a petition, and I'm sitting this season out." I say. Coach's face softened as he walked up to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Only place you're going to sit is back in that chair, Gerry. I appreciate it, though." He said patting my shoulder.

"Boycott T. C.! Boycott the school!" Fred yelled. The whole crowd erupted in "yeah's" and cheers of encouragement.

"Stop this, Fred. You know none of these boys can afford to go to some other district just to play ball. They sit this one out, they put their futures on the line." Yoast said walking up to him. Ray stood up and faced Coach.

"Coach, I'm out, too. I'm not playing for no thief." He said, as a bunch of people applauded for him. Coach turned to look at everyone

"Don't do this. Don't make this any harder for me than it already is." He said sadly. He looks back at our table as Alan stood up to join us.

"Coach, if you go, I go," he said shrugging.

"I only play for you, Coach Yoast!" I heard someone yell from across the room.

"Don't go, Coach!" Yelled another.

"You can't leave us!" Yelled Fred. Soon the whole diner was filled with people asking Coach to stay. Soon we all started chanting for him.

"Yoast! Yoast! Yoast!"

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