Leo's pick up lines

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Leo Valdez updated his status:

"I'll be your Lost Hero"   - With Piper

Piper McLean: *Rolls eyes* Try a better one Leo      

Leo Valdez updated his status:

"Are you a child of Dionysus? Because i'm drunk on love -With Katie  

Katie Gardener: Uh, no.... I'm a child of Demeter.......

Leo Valdez: *laughs awkwardly* Oh.... in that case *backs away slowly*

Leo Valdez updated his status: 

Are you a child of Zeus? Because you're blowing me away." - With Thalia

Thalia: Uh, actually Jason is the one with the flying wind powers, not me...

Leo Valdez: Oh.... Well.... Um...... Are you a child of Zeus? Because when I see you, sparks fly.

Thalia: Leo.... It's never going to happen.... I'm older than you..

Leo Valdez: But you're a hunter, so one day, i'll be older than you.

Thalia: Exactly, I'M A HUNTER

Leo Valdez: ...

Jason Grace: Dude, don't try and pick up my sis, please. It's just nasty.

Leo Valdez updated his status:

Are you a child of Hermes? Because you stole my heart. - With Miranda (A/N She was a daughter of Hermes mentioned in one of the books but I can't remember which one and she was only mentioned once.)

Miranda: ....

Leo Valdez: Well?

Miranda: *Nods* Not bad. Incredibly cheasy, but not terrible.

Leo Valdez: *fist pumps* Yes!    

Leo Valdez updated his status:

Are you sure you're not a child of Apollo? Because *starts singiing* BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE - With Drew  

Drew Takina: ......... Ewwwwwwwwww *scrunches up nose* Don't call me baby!  

Leo Valdez: *facepalms* 

Drew Takina: But *squeals* ONE DIRECTION   

Leo Valdez: *nods* I'll take it      

Leo Valdez updated his status: Are you sure you're not a child of Hephaestus? Because Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang girl, you're on fire. Better? - With Piper  

Piper McLean: ..... Meh. Better than the first one.    

Leo Valdez: *Grins and cheers*   

Piper McLean: But still not the best ;)     

Leo Valdez: Ah well, still happy :D  

Piper McLean: Of course..  


I'm ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been two months but I am back!   Do you like this chapter? Its a bit different. I read a chapter that was really similar to this. Credit to them :D.

I'm sorry I cant remember who it is.   

EMELIA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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