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(A/N Please note there are a lot of things like this so if you have written one I haven't stolen it.)

Apollo has updated his status: So my demigods, are we ready?

Athena: Ready for what?...........

Artemis: This doesn't sound good......

Percy Jackson: Wow... this sure does sound fishy.....

Annabeth Chase: I think it would be wise to stop this before it goes any further.

Nico di Angelo: No what are you doing?

Jason Grace: Well well Nico, is our amazing sense of humour shocking you?

Nico di Angelo: Stop this!

Leo Valdez: Things sure are heating up.

Katie Gardener: Why are you complaining Nico? This is so down to earth!

Nico di Angelo: You guys are idiots!

Piper McLean: Hey! I find them quite-

Nico di Angelo: Don't. Say. It.

Piper McLean: -Charming

Nico di Angelo: Frank? A little help?

Frank Zhang: Well, to be frank, I find this hillarious!

Nico di Angelo: *Groans*

Grover Underwood: Nico calm down, this is just the force of nature.

Nico di Angelo: Arg! Hazel?

Hazel Levesque: Sorry Nico but this is pure gold!

Nico di Angelo: ......

Travis Stoll: You have to admit

Nico di Angelo:  Oh no not you.....

Conner Stoll: We all just stole your heart!

Nico di Angelo: .................................

Nico di Angelo: You're all dead to me.


Nico di Angelo: What?

Leo Valdez: Oh, nevermind.....

(*All demigods and Grover except Nico log off*)

Nico di Angelo:  What just happened?

Apollo: LOL!!!!!!!!

Nico di Angelo: DO NOT SAY "LOL" EVER AGAIN!!

Apollo has logged off

Athena: Lets all blame Apollo.....

Artemis:  Agreed!


I'm Really tired and it's late so i can't be bothered typing anything here. Night Night.

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