Spa Day

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Lila Jane walked out of the bedroom area grinning. "Jason! It's so good to see you." She said attempting to wrap her arms around the large man. "I could say the same thing, lil bit. Heard you been keep 'em on their toes already." He said tucking her under his arm.

"Excuse me?!" They ignored Kip's call for attention and kept their conversation. "Ya." She said wincing slightly. "Gave Big Daddy a bit of a scare there." She ignored Brantley's sound of disagreement. "A scare?" He scoffed in disbelief. "A scare doesn't end with me handcuffed to a hospital bed." She giggled while the other two seemed to process that visual.

Kip shook it off quickly. "Hello, where's my hug?" He asked almost pouting. Stepping forward she smirked. "Ok, Moore, you know the drill." He laughed but put his hands in the air where Brantley could see them as she wrapped her arms around him for a quick side hug. There had been an incident before Kip knew who she was that had him nearly beat to death by Brantley and no one wanted to repeat that. He had such a pretty face.

Stepping back until she ended up under Brantley's arm she held the arm that automatically wrapped around her. "How are the kids?" She asked Jason/Colt. "Good, getting too damn big too fast."

Before she could ask more banging in the door was heard. "Gilbert! Get your man's card and let's roll, mama." They heard Caroline Bryant's ever docile tone through the bus. Lila laughed and grabbed her small bag. "Bye, baby." She said with a quick kiss and a wave to the guys.

She opened the bus door laughing at the sea of blondes outside. "Load up!" She called happily. They piled in the big black SUV. Lila and PJ up front. "Forgetin' somthin', darlin'?" He asked reaching in the pocket of the jeans he threw on.

"No, baby, I got it." She said smirking and holding the black metal card out the window. Now, he knew damn well that was in his pocket not five damn minutes ago. "How the fuck..." He marveled. "Drive, PJ!" She called laughing hysterically with the others as they tore out.

He heard Colt laughing behind him and turned to look at the two laughing in the door of his bus. "Never piss that girl off, BG." Colt warned. Brantley walked back onto the bus. "I'm not sure if I'm pissed or impressed." He admitted shaking his head. "Well, impressed gets you laid." Kip gave his two cents.

Brantley smirked sitting in his recliner and throwing the lever. "See, that's why you're still screwin' groupies, Moore. If you know what the hell ya' doin' with a grown ass woman, pissed is just as good." He said smugly. Colt nodded his agreement, "He ain't wrong, kid."


"What's up, guys?" Thomas asked seeing all the guys standing around looking like they were waiting. BG put out his cigarette on his boot and looked up at him. "Lauren went with the girls didn't she?"

"Ya.." Rhett said drawing it out questioningly. "It's his first spa day, B." BK realized and shared with him. "Oh shit, first spa day with your wife?" He asked with a knowing smile.

"Oh son, you're welcome." He said laughing with the other husbands. "I don't get it." Rhett said confused. "But you will." Moore said with the same smile as Brantley. "Ok, quick run down here. Rhett. When the ladies come home they are gonna be knocked the hell out. This shit is like sleepin' pills. Now, here's the important part." He said lookin' to the others to validate him, their nods and smiles doing just that.

"Make her a nest." "A what?" He interrupted. The guys made sounds of disbelief. "Wow, he's so new." Luke couldn't help but joke. "You ever notice when your wife is in bed alone she has a bunch of blankets and like a hundred pillows?" He asked. Rhett seemed surprised they knew that but nodded.

"Well, she's gonna be too relaxed and tired to do that herself but her instinct will tell her she needs one. Next time you'll want to make it before she gets back. The sooner they feel safe the better. Do that and you'll be real happy in a few hours." They could see Thomas absorbing all this info.

Before he could ask more the car came into view. Sure enough, as it got closer sleeping faces were seen through the windshield. PJ had a happy look on his face for once. The guys laughed to themselves knowing it was the only time a car ride with their wives was quiet.

As he pulled to a stop the guys spread out looking for their other half. Brantley opened the passenger door carefully so he wouldn't wake his wife. The others doing the same. "We need to do this more often, Boss." PJ joked. Brantley just smirked. "I'll see what I can do, PJ."

"See y'all tomorrow." He said quietly, scoping up his sleeping girl. Making his was onto the bus he felt that calming feeling of taking care of his woman. He took off his shirt, quickly exchanging her dress for it. Her happy sigh making his chest swell. Laying her down in her barrier he tucked her in tight and laid her weighted blanket over her for good measure.

Making sure he turned on the fan so she didn't get too hot. He closed the door and quietly made his way to the kitchen. His instincts were in full force and he was gonna make sure his baby had something good to eat when she woke up.

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