Meet Hunter

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They had finally made it to Massachusetts the next afternoon. Lila Jane put out an all call to the present members of the OWC.

Mrs. Gilbert: Meeting in 20! Big surprise ladies. Also plans to kick off the tour right. 😈

Mrs. Aldean: Leaving now! Jay is driving me crazy!

Mrs. Hubbard: FGL reporting in! Hell ya!

Mrs. Bryan: Not like I can be in more trouble. I'm in.

Mrs. Rhett: Thomas has first soundcheck so I'm free.

Mrs. Moore: Well you know I'm in. 🤗

Lila smiled thinking about her plans for their husbands that night. Everything had been a bit too tense and she felt like she had ruined the shopping trip they had planned. It was time for some fun. She sent a message to PJ asking him to come take her to the nearest clearing.

He walked on the bus a few minutes later, having just been on the bands bus that was behind them. "What's up, Boss Lady. You ready to go?" He asked standing at the end of the bus. "Go where?" A voice asked behind her, making her jump. For such a big man he could be quiet when he wanted to. Tended to get her in trouble.

"OWC has been called. I'm gonna introduce them to Hunter. I'll be back before you're soundcheck, big daddy." He stood there arms crossed for a moment staring at her. "You ate already?" He asked still unconvinced. She nodded. "Yep, oatmeal and an apple." She said proudly.

He nodded. "Alright, behave and have fun." She grinned and smacked a kiss on him before grabbing Hunter's leash and getting out before he changed his mind. He had taken the bill from the pet store last night like a champ, so she would give him a break on trouble...for a few days.

PJ grabbed her chair from under the bus for her and they were off. Brittney was there in the clearing they came to. She looked to be enjoying the quiet, they hadn't started to built the stages yet. "Hey, Preggo." Lila Jane said walking up to the woman. Brittney smiled and looked her way. "Well if trouble had a name it'd be Lila Jane." She kidded.

"Oh my goodness, who is this cutie?!" She squealed seeing Hunter. Lila Jane smiled like the proud mom she was, "This is my surprise. Brittney Aldean, meet Hunter Ulysses Gilbert. He's big daddy's way of keeping an eye on me. I wish it was always this cute." She laughed. "Well it is nice to meet you, Hunter." She said formally to the dog.

Being the gentleman he was he gave her his paw and melted her heart. "Oh my gosh, he's more of a gentleman than most the wild things we married." Brittney gushed. PJ put her chair out for her and made a run for it. She sat and Hunter laid down on her feet. This continued for a while, each girl gushing over how beautiful and smart her Hunter was. They both ate up the attention.

Finally, Lila knew it was time to get down to business. "Ok, now that we've established that Hunter is the best dog ever, it's time to discuss tonight's concert." She said smiling and looking at her crew. "As you ladies know, it is customary for the guys to pull pranks on the first show of tour. Well, I say we one up them." She said with a smirk.

They spent the next few hours going over their plans and getting a few of the stage crew in on it so it would be flawless. It was a harmless prank, and they would be getting each husband. The trick was to change it up every time so they didn't know what to expect. The guys will laugh and the crowd will love it.

They had just disbanded and we're heading to get ready for the night when Hunter barked. "Mommy's high, son?" She asked him as she pulled her meter from her pocket. Sure enough, the meter read 190 and climbing. "Thank you, baby boy! Let's get PJ to come get us and we'll get you a treat." She said as she treated the high before it got any worse.

She couldn't wait to tell Brantley how well Hunter did. PJ swung by and got her, taking her back to the bus. Brantley had the guys from the band on with him and they seemed to be working on a new song. She went to the new container of treats she had gotten Hunter and gave him one. "Such a good boy for mommy." She told him as he took his treat and sat waiting for instruction.

"He signal you?" Brantley asked worried. She smiled, "He did! He was a rock star. Wasn't even at 200 before he let me know and I didn't even get a head ache. My baby is the smartest ever." The last sentence said to Hunter. "So, this is the famous Hunter that BG was telling us about. His eyes are weird." Ben said before thinking.

Brantley didn't bother protecting his drummer, he had just insulted a new mom's child for all intents and purposes. He watching in amusement as Lila Jane sent Hunter ahead of her to the bedroom before turning to Ben. "You're gonna go to the next pet store we see and get him an apology present. You understand me, Benjamin Sims?" Her tone seeming to scare his drummer. He nodded quickly, seeming to pacify his wife.

"Alright then, Hunter and I are going to watch some TV until sound check, big daddy." She said smiling at her husband. He nodded with a smile back. "Ok, babygirl, you two have fun." She skipped back to their room and the band managed to keep from laughing until the door shut.

"Boy, your mama must have dropped you on your head as a baby." Jesse laughed at the drummer that still seemed shocked. He finally look to Brantley, "She scares me, BG." He said seriously. "You'll be ok...probably. Just whatever you do don't insult the dog, you idjit." He said joining the laughter.

Ben swallowed harshly and made a note to get that dog a toy real soon. He didn't know who scared him more. Brantley or his wife.

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