I Love You

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AN: edited

Warnings: mentions of abandonment, fluff, a kiss :)

Word Count: 1336
Third POV:

The snow fell softly across Seattle and covered the environment in a cold blanket. It was truly a beautiful time of year. Everyone was excited and feeling crafty and generous. The WLF base had old string lights foraged from missions strung across the ceiling and along thresholds. The kitchen was smelling especially sweet from the cookies baking in the ovens, which always brought a smile to everyone's face.
Y/n was excited for Christmas, especially because this would be the first year for her to gift something to someone. Before the WLF had recruited her (or rather rescued her) she was completely alone. Miraculously, she was the only one to survive amongst her group, and sometimes she still feels guilty for not being able to save them. So this year she wanted to really get into the spirit, and truly celebrate. She wanted to take advantage of the warmth inside the base and the aroma of pastries and the lights, she couldn't bare to spend another holiday huddled by a measly fire inside a rotting building, tears streaming down her face.
Abby had taken Y/n under her wing since her arrival a few months ago, and they'd become inseparable. Abby couldn't tell whether or not Y/n had filled Owen's spot in her heart in a non-sexual way or if this was just a new friendship; either way, she was grateful to have someone like Y/n around. She appreciated how independent Y/n was from all the months of surviving on her own, and how sharp her problem solving skills were. It was ideal to take her on missions and runs since they usually didn't last long due to her skills and she never failed to put a smile on Abby's face.
Since Christmas was only a few days away, Abby decided to take Y/n to Owen's aquarium, just to check in on him and to show Y/n how festive Owen can be. As the duo traveled, Abby remembered that she needed to get both Owen and Y/n a gift. Owen was rather easy to please, so maybe a decent pair of socks would suffice, but Y/n needed something meaningful. It was her first Christmas ever and Abby's first Christmas with her, so it had to mean something.
Upon arrival, Owen kindly welcomed them and showed off his Christmas dedicated room and encouraged the girls to check out the view. They sat together and joked and soaked up each others smiles and warmth, all secretly planning what to gift each other without bluntly asking what the other wanted. Abby stood from her seat and began to investigate the room that Owen was oh so proud of. The lights were beautifully bright and the red and green decorations made Abby's heart skip a beat out of pure joy. A smile crept across her face as she felt the spirit of Christmas fill her chest with pure happiness.
Then she spotted a pair of stockings. They were gorgeously sewn together, one read Owen's name while the other read Mel's name.
Abby chuckled as she felt the material of the amusingly large socks, "I wish someone loved me enough to make me a stocking."
Y/n's ears perked at this comment, she went to add on but decided against it. Owen joined her near the table and they began to joke with each other, while Y/n watched the snow fall and thought of how amazing her present to Abby had to be.
On the journey back to the main base, Y/n couldn't stop generating ideas of beautiful stockings. It would be decorated with bright, festive colors and cute lights and big letters that spelled out Abby's name. This was going to be an amazing gift and Y/n knew it.
"You've been awfully quiet, and I can see the wheels turning in your head." Abby spoke, grinning at her friend.
Y/n's expression straightened, "I didn't mean to get quiet. I'm stoked for this holiday and I'm trying to handle all of these positive emotions."
"Ah, well I can make that a bit easier." the blonde suggested, a smirk on her freckled face.
Rather puzzled, Y/n turned to her friend, "How...?"
From there, Abby instructed the woman before her to close her eyes, and not open them until told to do so. The snow was cold against her calloused hands and nails as she packed the crystals into a tight ball. Patting it in the perfect places and growing more and more giddy with each passing second, Abby began to observe Y/n, deciding which spot would be her target.
"Are you still there?" Y/n wondered, shuffling a bit.
"Yes, I'm still here. Open your eyes."
The ball hit Y/n's face hard, the sting of the cold and the blunt force of its compacted form was enough to make Y/n stumble back and fall square on her ass. Abby erupted with laughter, now being the one overwhelmed with positive emotions. The friend in the snow sat, her pants were getting wet but she didn't mind, Abby's laugh was cozy enough to numb the chilliness of the snow below her. She was so unbelievable grateful for Abby, she was the best friend she could possibly ask for.
As Abby continued to giggle, Y/n felt her chest warm up and began to laugh. The friends innocently laughed at one other, every so often letting out a cackle or a snort just sending them into another fit of laughter, it was bliss.
Christmas morning came and so did the hoots and hollers and thank you's of all the members receiving their gifts. Y/n woke with a smile on her face and nearly leapt out of bed with all of the energy surging through her. She threw her hair into a do so it stayed out of her face, dressed herself in her most comfy clothing, and snatched the neatly wrapped present from under her bed.
Silently she prayed as she traveled down the hall to Abby's bunk, hoping that there was something like-able about her present. It has been Y/n's greatest project ever and never before had she pumped more love into something than this. She hoped Abby really loved it, or at least pretended to like it.
"Merry Christmas!" Abby cheered as she welcomed Y/n into her bunk. Y/n returned the warm gesture and sat upon Abby's unkempt bed.
The smaller woman stared at her feet and released a heavy sigh, prepping herself for the millions of reactions that she could receive, "Okay. I decided since this was my first Christmas, more specifically with you, I would essentially pour my heart into this. So...I hope you like this."
Abby didn't waste another second, she knew it had to be good with all the gushing in the speech that came with it. The wrapping paper flew in all different directions as she began to reveal the stocking. Once it was fully opened to her, she came to a halt. The air became tense, there were so many feelings and so many thoughts that Y/n could've exploded.
She hated it.
She could've gotten her something so much better and so much more useful. She would've loved a book or a new pair of tactical pants or a good set of boots. No, Y/n made her a sock. What was she thinking?
"I love you too."
"I love you Y/n."
The tears in Y/n's eyes had overflowed and streamed down her face. A heartfelt grin replaced the confused expression she had once worn. Then Abby's fingers had found themselves in Y/n's hair and pulled her close, locking their lips together with the most tender kiss there ever was. There was no need for a mistletoe, this was passion, this was Christmas.
This was love.

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙰𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now