Shut up.

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AN- There was a request to have Abby defend the reader when someone says rude things about her! Enjoy :)
*Potentially triggering content*
Isaac had found you stranded not too long ago. You stressed to him that you'd be useful to the WLF, and that in your old group you were a technical engineer. You remember his gun pointing right between your eyes as he debated keeping you alive or not.
"Do you know anything about solar panels?"
"Yes! Yes, I can get them working if you need me to." You were panicking and do anything to save your skin.
"Get up." He lowered his gun. You were silent the entire trip back to the WLF.
Now you were the top technical engineer. Anytime one of the soldiers or Isaac would go out on a run or an assignment, they'd find something for you to tinker with, ranging from walk men, to TV's, to old radios.
On the daily you'd have your team go out and check up on the solar panels and the wiring, touching up anything that needed it.
One day you were re-wiring an old radio Isaac had found, he needed it done soon to set it up at another outpost.
You were deep in your work, the rest of the world irrelevant as to not electrocute yourself.
You jumped, your finger touching the exposed wire and feeling a shock rush through your hand.
"Fuck!" You held your hand and turned to see who had interrupted you, wearing an awfully dirty look.
"Sorry!" Abby stood in front of you, unsure if she should reach out or not.
"It's fine." You shook off your hand and wondered what she needed.
"Uh, if you're too busy I can come back at another time." She reached up and scratched the back of her neck, leaning over to see the mess of wires behind you.
"No no, it's okay. What did you need?"
She looked back at you and hesitated for a moment, seeming lost and flustered. You saw her eyes flicker from each of the features on your face, still silent.
She blinked, clearing her throat and rubbing her arm.
"I have an outlet in my bunk that Manny fucked up."
Good, something easy.
"Okay, let me grab a few tools."
You turned around and gathered a few things and stuffed them into your pockets, thinking to yourself to make sure you had everything.
You paused for a moment and shuddered. You knew Abby's eyes were on you, and you weren't too sure how you felt about it.
You looked back at her, "Can you grab that screwdriver?"
A small table sat next to her, holding a few stray tools.
She nodded her head and nervously handed you the tool.
Why did she seem so on edge?
"Is everything okay?" You stuffed the screwdriver into the belt loop on your hip.
"Yeah! Yeah everything's cool." Her body language said quite the opposite.
As you walked to her apartment, you passed through a few dark halls and entered the cafeteria.
Abby continued to guide you, constantly peeking over her shoulder to make sure you were still following her tracks.
The one time she didn't look back, a large, strong hand grabbed your shoulder and spun you around.
"Hey! My TV's color is fucked!"
Last week he came back with this ancient box TV and asked you to revive it. Most of the wiring was dust and the most you could do is make sure the picture came in. You knew the color wouldn't show, but you brushed that under the rug.
"It's a piece of shit! You're lucky you can even watch anything."
You hated undermining your skill, but you can only work with what you we're given, you weren't a miracle worker.
"You're a fucking fake! You only do shit for Isaac because he kisses your ass. He should've left you in that bunker where he found you."
What did he just say?
Before you could say anything, Abby had stepped beside you and grabbed ahold of Jame's shirt.
James constantly flaunted his height, always squeezing in the fact was 6'2" in every conversation he could.
Abby was eye to eye with him, her gaze piercing through his soul.
Holy shit, Abby was tall.
And angry.
"Say that shit again and I'll beat you to a fucking pulp."
She shoved him back into the table, and spat at his feet, looking to you with a much softer look.
"C'mon." You grabbed Abby's arm and pulled her along.
She tensed under your touch, her cheeks warming and watching as your hand slid from her bicep.
"Beating the shit out of me won't get her to like you!"
What was this guys deal?
Abby was quick to grab him up again, slamming him into the cold cement wall and raising her hand, baring her teeth.
"Abby!" You called, you didn't want to see a fight right now.
She froze, pressing her lips together and lowering her fist.
She watched James drop to the floor, huffing in fear.
"Let's go." You were stern.
Her eyes didn't leave him as she walked toward you, anger still surging through her.
She finally met up with you near the exit, hanging her head low and feeling hopeless.
Not a word was said as she led you to her apartment. You weren't upset with her, if anything you were glad she was there. You knew you wouldn't be able to defend yourself much longer, but admittedly, she did take it a bit far.
She unlocked the door and held it open for you, not making eye contact as you entered.
Near Abby's bed, you saw Manny crouched on the floor. The cover of the outlet was on the floor, and he seemed to be deep in his work.
"Abs, what did you do to this?" He didn't bother to look back to see who had entered.
You looked over to Abby and raised an eyebrow, grinning at her.
"Yeah Abby, what did you do?"
She crossed her arms and pinched her bridge, squeezing her eyes shut.
Manny had finally turned around and saw both of the women standing in his room, chuckling.
"You blamed me?" He walked over to his friend, tool still in his hand.
"Manny, shut up." Abby was getting red in the face, staring him down in the most loving way.
"Hand that over before you kill you self." Manny put the fork in your hand, and you laughed, "What the hell were you doing with this?"
"I used it to get the screws loose." He explained, pointing back at the cover on the floor.
"I think you have some loose screws of your own." A small smile cracked on Abby's face, and you nudged her arm.
Finally, you were met with this faulty outlet, pulling the tools out of your pocket and assessing the situation.
You heard a mumbled conversation come from behind you, "I'm proud of you Abs. Maybe you can ask her to drink with us tonight."
"Manny I'm gonna kick your ass."
"I'm serious! You've made it this far with her, it'd be a shame if you let it go to waste."
A grunt came from Manny, and you turned to look behind you. He was grabbing his shoulder and Abby had her arms crossed, her eyebrows pressed together.
"Abby come here." You scooted over and patted the spot next to you.
Manny shoved her and she nervously walked toward you, crouching beside you.
"Where'd you find this?"
You pulled out a few metal pieces that had been shoved into the outlet. They belonged to a European plug, and they wouldn't fit in an American outlet, it was obvious she had forced them in.
"I was out on a run the other day and I found this old lamp."
You weren't trying to embarrass her, but when her cheeks and ears turned pink and contrasted her golden freckles, you couldn't help but smile.
"It wouldn't plug in. When I got it in the power in the room went out."
You nodded your head, asking Abby to get you the lamp. You showed her the difference between the shape of the American outlet and the shape of the European plug, explaining why they don't fit and why they're different.
She watched you as you explained, picking up the pieces and showing her. Unfortunately, all she could see was you, and everything you said went in one ear and out the other.
"Next time you find something, and you're unsure, let me know. Okay?"
She snapped out of her trance, her eyes losing its glazed over look.
"Yeah, yeah I got it." She bit her lip and averted your gaze, looking at the exposed outlet.
You fixed up the outlet and screwed the cover back on, shoving the pieces of the old plug in your pockets.
"Do you guys have something I can stand on?" You had to reach up to fix the ceiling light, and make sure the electrical work wasn't completely shot.
Manny offered to grab you a chair from a different room, and took off.
Now left in the room was just you and Abby, your lines of sight meeting at the same time.
"Thanks for doing this." Her hand found the nape of her neck again.
"No problem." You smiled, patting her arm.
She wet her lips and glanced over you. The few strands of hair falling against your face, the tools peeking from your pockets, your small white tank top being worn down just enough to let your bra seep through in the slightest, you were quite an eyeful for Abby.
"Can I ask you something?"
You chuckled, "Yes."
"I heard you and Manny talking. What time will you be picking me up?"
AN- Expect a part two ;)

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