How?: Part Two

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"Y/n..." tears swelled in her eyes, threatening to spill over as her green eyes locked on yours, "I think I love you."
Your chest tightened, the hand on her shoulder felt as if it had been held over a flame, fight or flight kicking in.
"I have to go." You stood from your spot, grabbing your bag and leaving your burrito to fall to the blanket.
"I'm sorry!" Abby choked, quickly getting to her feet, grabbing your hand just in time to stop you.
It felt so right, her hand in yours. It was like the missing puzzle piece, one you had been looking for in plain sight. The roughness of her palm contrasting her delicate hold made your head feel fuzzy, goosebumps covering your body.
The tears in her eyes had streamed down her cheeks, her skin still red. The worry behind her eyes brought about a horrible pain in your heart, your mind screaming to pull her into an embrace and kiss her as the sun set, but you just couldn't.
"I...I'll talk to you later." As your hand slid from her's, you softly began to cry.

"What does that mean?" You could hear how afraid she was, her body language refusing to prove it.
"It means just that! I don't know- I don't know how to love you."
She scoffed, running her tongue across her teeth, "If you don't love me just say that."
"I do love you!" You we're now the one making fists and chest filling with anger.
Her hands left her hips as she stepped closer to you, face inches from yours, "If you actually did you wouldn't have fucking ignored me for months."
"Are you calling me a liar?"
"Well you're not telling the fucking truth."
It happened in a flash, the back of your hand came in contact with her cheek, the loud smack ringing against the walls of the hall.
Her cheek was a vivid shade of red, mouth ajar and eyes piercing through your soul.
Your jaw nearly hit the floor. This time your fight had kicked in, and neither one of you had been expecting it.
You couldn't read her expression. There were so many emotions coming from the same person you felt yourself becoming an emotional mess. All you knew is she wouldn't lay a hand on you. Or would she?
She grabbed the collar of your shirt and yanked you closer to her, bearing her teeth as if she were going to make an attack. Without much thought, once again, you fought.
Reaching around to the back of her head you grabbed her braid and gave it a tug, pushing away from her with your other hand, but her grip was much to strong - she was too strong.
She closed her eyes and groaned, your collar slowly slipping from her fingers. Once you saw she wasn't a threat, you began to pull away, still on alert for anything else.
Her eyes opened, gaze meeting yours. This wasn't the livid stare she had moments ago, nor the unreadable one before she had grabbed you up.
The corners of her mouth curved into a malicious smile, and suddenly it all made sense to you.

She crawled up next to you, throwing her meaty arm over your torso and snuggling into your side. You could feel her giggle against your neck, her voice rumbling against your skin. Your chest rose and fell as you attempted to catch your breath, a thin layer of sweat covering your body.
Her bed was small, but just enough for your two, her pillows smelled of her pine soap - how you missed that smell.
The cool sheets felt nice against your steaming body, especially since Abby was adding her warmth to you as she pulled you closer, sweat mixing with yours.
"You're weird, I like that." You murmured, catching her attention enough to look at you.
"Shut up." She shoved her face back into the crook of your neck, smiling against your warm skin.
You couldn't help but grin, your fingertips softly scratching at her scalp and scooting closer to her, if that were even possible.
"I love you." The words felt natural as they slipped from your lips.
You could feel her tense against you, her warm breath left your neck. She propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at you, eyebrows pressed together. Her hair slid across her back, falling to the bed, the sheets just covering her chest.
"I thought you didn't know how to." She tried to play it off as a snarky joke, but you knew deep down it was a genuine question.
You pressed your lips together, trying not to get too emotional at the thought of the events leading up to this moment.
"I want to learn how."
You noticed how she didn't pay much mind to your words, but rather where they came from.
Her hand cupped your cheek, feeling as it did the evening on the roof, rough yet so, so delicate. She gently pulled you closer to her lips, stopping right before they brushed together.
Her warm breath made your heart buzz with anticipation, not to mention the way her eyes ate you up more than she literally had minutes ago.
Your bruised lips collided in the most hungry way, feeling the electricity surge through every nerve in your body.
How did you ever shut yourself away from someone so dreamy?

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙰𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now