Baby Blue

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CW: F-slur.

The moment the bus dropped Max off at his house, he ran inside his house and up the stairs to his room. He threw his black backpack near the foot of his bed and immediately started to pull his tie violently over his head. He then unbuttoned his white uniform shirt and threw it onto the floor, his long pants and belt soon followed. Now, Max was left in just his boxers. For a moment, he stopped. He listened for a few moments, he didn't hear a sound downstairs, meaning that his sister or his mom won't be back for a bit. He eyed the closet behind him. Temptation started to squirm into his brain. He could just change into his pajamas and just relax until his mom or sister came back from work. Though, the temptation started to grow, like a seed that was planted in his mind that started to grow into vines, constricting his brain and corrupting every crevice until Max had no choice but to listen to it. He gave in and ran to his closet. He reached into the far back of his closet and pulled out his favorite outfit: an oversized white shirt, a baby blue skirt, a blue choker, light blue garter belts, and matching blue socks with white stripes. Max smiled widely when he saw it. He could only wear it on special occasions. Max tried his best not to think about what his mom would do if she caught him wearing this, especially when she complained earlier of how someone was making random charges on her credit card. He pulled the shirt over his head and tucked it into his skirt. Max then wrapped the garter belts around his thighs. He pulled the socks over his legs before he then attached the garter belts to them. Lastly, he tied the choker around his neck and looked at himself in the mirror. This was the happiest he felt all day. His fingers ran over the smooth material of the skirt before he pulled it up slightly so he could see the garter belts. He finally looked up at his face, into his own eyes. He turned and ran to his sock drawer, trying not to slip and fall on his hardwood floor. He opened the drawer and dug around the pile of the socks until he reached the bottom and found what he was looking for: a blue hair clip with a star attached to it. He pulled out a small circular mirror from under his desk and looked into it while he clipped a long piece of dark hair behind his ear. Max searched around his sock drawer once more before he pulled out a small tube of clear lip gloss. He went back to the mirror as he applied the lip gloss. He smiled when he saw how shiny they made his lips. Max then sat down on his bed, admiring his socks. His legs were smooth since he secretly shaved his legs with his sister's razor. However, Max started to grow more and more ashamed the longer he looked at himself. Wearing a skirt, it was such an innocent and harmless desire, yet, Max couldn't help but worry. If his friends at school saw him wearing this, they would never speak to him again, and Max's affinity for wearing women's clothes would spread around the school, and he would forever be down as a gay freak. Max looked around his room, it was completely white: white walls, white sheets, white furniture. Max secretly wanted to have a more "cuter" room, one with pink walls, cute plushies he would see at the store, and a special drawer where he would keep his skirts. Though, Max already knew the boys in school called him a faggot, so he didn't want a constant reminder that he was one. Besides, if his mom and sister found out, they would lose it. Max squeezed his eyes shut, if his mom made him go to conversion therapy there was no way he could-


Max opened his eyes wide, half expecting his mom to be standing in the doorway. Though, he knew that voice belonged to someone else. Instead, his boyfriend, Clyde, was standing behind the door frame. His body was leaning against the white wood covering the doorway, his face flushed red.

"Um-I-I can explain!" Max frantically said, trying to move off the bed, his face now pink. He was yelling at himself in his own head. He should've known Clyde would want to come over since it was Friday, and since he and Max were dating secretly for years, Clyde just became accustomed to being able to enter the house whenever he wanted.

"No, wait," Clyde said, moving closer. Max's feet stopped before they could touch the floor. His boyfriend was getting closer, almost too close. His body was frozen as Clyde was now near the foot of his bed, placing his hands on either side of Max's legs.

"Clyde" Max said, staring down at Clyde with blue eyes "please don't tell anyone, I'll do anything! Just please-"

Clyde shushed him. Max's face turned to an even deeper shade of pink as his face became closer and closer until their lips were inches apart.

"It's okay" Clyde whispered against Max's lips, "I won't tell anyone."

They both stayed like this for a moment, the tension growing so thick you could cut it with a knife. Both boys could feel each other's breath drifting over each other, one waiting for the other to move.

"You're so fucking pretty," Clyde said before he smashed his lips into Max's. His eyes widened in shock, but after a few moments, he started to melt into the kiss. Max delicately placed his hand on his boyfriend's neck while Clyde balled his first into the front of Max's shirt. Eventually, Clyde pulled away, eliciting a whimper from him. Clyde wiped his lips, and looked down at the shiny gloss now on his hand.

"Are you wearing lip gloss?"

Max, almost embarrassingly, nodded his head.

"God" he said, looking at Max's flushed face, "you're so cute."

Clyde leaned in for another kiss, his hands now gripping tightly onto his boyfriend's thighs. Clyde smiled into the kiss as his hands slowly climbed up Max's body. Max made a small sound as he heard something coming from downstairs. Max immediately sat up, causing Clyde to stop what he was doing. He looked up at Max with concern, wondering if he did something wrong. He didn't seem to notice that someone was home. Max shoved him away lightly as he began to hastily take off the skirt. His mom must've gotten home early from work.

"Max?!" A voice echoed up the stairs. Max didn't answer as he had trouble unclipping the garter belts.

"Max?" His mom called again. A small creaking sound followed, meaning his mom was now climbing up the stairs. Clyde looked over at Max who was still struggling to take the socks and garter belts off.

"Yeah?" Clyde answered, hopping off the bed and running to the open door.

"Oh, Clyde" Max heard his mom say, "didn't know you were here."

"Yeah" Clyde replied, "Max and I were just hanging out before you got here."

"Is Max in there now?" She asked.

"Um" Clyde quickly eyed Max, who was quickly pulling a pair of jeans over his waist.

"Yeah, he's here," Clyde said. A few moments later, Max ran in beside him, now changed and quickly wiping away the rest of his lip gloss with his sleeve.

"Sorry about that," he said, "I was just.. Changing."+

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