Confronting the Giant Rat

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Liam was confronted with an empty home when he got back from work. His clothes were wet from the rain and he sighed and closed the door behind him before he kicked off his shoes and made his way to the bedroom. It was dark inside but Liam was too tired to turn on the lights and instead flopped down on his bed. He rolled over to the other side of the bed and inhaled the scent of coffee and vanilla his husband left behind on the mattress. For a moment, Liam thought he could smell something sweeter on the pillows. However, he didn't linger on the scent for too long in fear that the fading scent would be masked by his own. Liam rolled over to his side of the bed and pulled his computer from underneath his pillow. He didn't exactly know what do online, maybe he was going to watch strangers review dumb movies or people making desserts he would probably never make in his life. He didn't really care what he did, as long as it made him forget about reality right now. He looked around his room. It's been a while since he cleaned it and it's been the same as it was a year ago. His room mostly consisted of old, unhung painting his husband made (few paintings were of Liam), a few dog toys, and some photographs Liam took of the landscapes he would see on the various road trips him and Elliott used to go on and a few pictures of the cities in Japan he took during their honeymoon.

Liam pulled his blanket over his head and opened up his computer. After a few moments, he heard a knock on his door.

"Its open" he called from his bedroom

The door opened and his friend, Taylor, stepped in.

"Sorry I'm late" he called, setting a huge bag of groceries on the table and shook the water off his hair.

"Its okay" Liam called back, "the money for it is on the counter"

"Alright" Taylor said and he made his way to the open doorway.

"How are you doing?" He asked Liam directly, "you don't seem any different than you did a year ago"

"I'm fine"

Taylor looked around his room, "it's like a time capsule in here, nothing has changed"

"I guess"

Taylor walked in and noticed the paintings that were lined up against the wall. Taylor crouched down next to them and began to look through them.

"Could you not touch those?" Liam asked

"You know, some of these could be sold," he said, "maybe then you can finally pay me back fully when I buy you groceries"

"I'm not selling them" Liam replied, a bit frustrated before turning back to his computer. Taylor got up and looked at the bed Liam sat on.

"When was the last time you washed those sheets? It seems like they haven't seen a washing machine in a year"

"I'm afraid to wash them" he mumbled

Taylor put a hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam looked up at him.

"Listen, I know you miss Elliott, but it's been a year" Taylor said, "You have to move on"

"How can I?!" Liam retorted angrily, "I don't even know what happened before he died"

"Still, you're all so caught up in this you're just letting life pass you by" Taylor said, "leave the house every once in a while, find a hobby, talk to people, maybe you'll find another nice boy and start dating again"

"Could you please leave" Liam said

Taylor sighed, he was clearly just frustrating his friend than actually helping.

"Fine, but just know that I care about you" Taylor said as he made his way out. He stopped at the doorway, "listen, I'm not picking up your groceries for you anymore. You should do it yourself"

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