Lights Out

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CW: mature themes, blood, and violence.

Micheal opened the door to the house. He sighed and shook his boots free of snow before removing his coat. He then hung it neatly over the kitchen chair. In his hand, he held a yellow bag with a rolled-up newspaper inside. A small crockpot sat in the kitchen with steam pouring out of it rapidly. Micheal opened the top to check the contents inside and determined that their soup would be ready soon. He now only had to wait until his boyfriend got back... whenever that was. Micheal sighed again and ran his fingers through his wet hair before he ripped open the yellow plastic bag. He settled into the dining room chair and began to read. However, he didn't get into it long before he heard a small sound, subtle at first but got louder as it continued. It sounded like footsteps walking through the snow. Micheal put down his newspaper and strolled across the room to the living room window. Opening the blinds, he immediately noticed the figure of a small man pacing across the snow towards the icy sea. Behind him, he dragged a large trash bag. He turned and began to move his feet in circles, taking the bag with it. Winded up, he tossed the bag into the water. Micheal watched as the waves quickly carried it away. He wondered if he should call attention to it until the man turned to face the window. Micheal could feel his piercing stare. The moonlight reflected off him perfectly, revealing blood on his face. The man quickly zipped up his coat before making his way to the apartment. Micheal made sure the door was unlocked before he went back to reading the paper. Not too long after that, a small man burst through the door. He wore a long, black jacket that reached his knees and his hood was up so that it covered his face. Micheal only turned his head a little, "Hey, Frank, welcome home" he greeted.

"Hey, Love" he replied, stepping up onto his toes to kiss Micheal's cheek, leaving behind a small patch of blood. He then took his coat and gloves off before hanging them on the chair opposite Micheal's.

His boyfriend's white shirt and pants were covered in blood. The red substance decorated his face and lips and dripped down his neck and behind his shirt.

"Dinner's almost ready," Michael said, not looking up from his paper.

"What is it?" Frank asked, reaching for the trash bags under the sink. Micheal reached for a paper towel to wipe the blood off his face.

"Soup," Micheal replied.

Frank began to slowly unbutton his stained shirt, eyeing the blood admiringly. He tossed the shirt into the trash bag, followed by his pants. Frank was left with his boxers as he ran to the bathroom to clean himself off. Micheal looked down at the bloody mess Frank made on the hardwood floor.

Frank ran back into the kitchen with new clothes and a clean face. Micheal got up from his chair and made his way over to his boyfriend. "I missed you so much," Frank purred before immediately pulling him into a kiss and pressing his body against his boyfriend's.

He was completely smitten to Frank. Even years after they started dating Frank's kisses never failed to make Micheal's heart flutter and cause shivers to rack throughout his body. Frank reached up and ran his fingers through Micheal's raven black hair, causing Micheal to pull him in closer. Frank's body was warm against his as he continued to kiss Frank's chapped lips. The two suddenly pulled away, Michael watched in awe as Frank inhaled deeply through his mouth while looking up at him with deep brown eyes. He licked his thumb and wiped a small drop of blood off Frank's cheek, "missed a spot" Micheal said, grinning.

Frank ran his hand up the back of his boyfriend's head. He was about to pull him in for another kiss but Micheal instead kissed the space behind his boyfriend's ear.

"I'd love to continue, but I'm sure dinner is ready by now and you still need to clean up the mess you just made, Mister," Micheal said, jokingly poking Frank's sides.

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