Chapter 8: Sheridan and the soul stone

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Amethyst cave exit
This part of the cave was filled with minecarts transporting crystals, two waterfalls making it look quite vibrant, yet Ray mind was on something else... He had met the mysterious hooded man again this time the man asked him to locate him in Sheridan village and since he was the only lead to Melia, Ray had no choice.

Village outskirts
Coming out of the cave the bright light stung his eyes a little, he looked down the stone stairs to see a vibrant green scenery with a Large wooden gate saying "Sheridan".

He then notices two individuals arguing one is a muscular girl about his age with purple hair wearing spats and a white sports shirt with a red cross design, and the other was an elderly looking woman with gray hair in a white and red tribal gown holding a staff with an "O" on it.

"Its gone on for too long! His negligence is driving people away from the village, Eldest!" The purple haired girl shouted as she addressed the old woman

"I know this Aelita... But he must have his reasons for shutting everyone out" the eldest replied to the girl now known as Aelita.

"Sheridan village is a place of community!" Aelita reads the sign out loud "it's always been our pride and joy to be United as one but not anymore people are leaving in droves now! If the leader is being slient what are we to do?!" She shouts again.

"I've lived here for years, we've faced far worse and came out of it alive and well" the eldest says as she shows off her old muscles.

"Well that's reassuring..." Aelita said in a sarcastic manner.

"Yes it is, never give up young one, hope will show itself is the darkest of times, to turn bad situations into good situation" Eldest said in a calming tone.

"you're right Eldest. I'll go speack with him right now! Let's go Hawlucha!" Aelita sends out a red and green bipedal hawk that looks like it's wearing a mask and the 2 dash north towards the village.

"Wait that's not what...... 'Sighhhhhh' there's so much of Vivian in that lass" Eldest smiles a bit.

"Vivian?" Ray unconsciously says out loud alerting Eldest who looks at him with a grim expression.

(So he has finally reached this place) she said in her mind, "Hello and welcome to Sheridan village, I hope that little quarrel didn't make you want to leave?" She says kindly trying to find her previous expression.

"No It's fine, my name's Ray by the way, also if you wouldn't mind could you take me to the Pokemon center here?" Ray asked.

"No problem, follow me lad" eldest then walks north and Ray follows her.

Sheridan village
The setting is quite different from Gearan which was huge with story buildings, Sheridan had a more Edo period look to it with wooden houses and sliding doors, the few occupants here all looked like martial artists.

Pokemon center
After giving all 5 of his pokeballs to the nurse joy here(who wore a pink kimono) he decided to chat with the eldest.

"I am the Eldest of this village, advisor to the Sensei/gym leader of village who is currently in a slump..." She said with sad expression.

"Can you tell me why he's in a slump, I need his badge to get stronger" Ray presses the issue.

"I wish he would tell me, sadly if you want the badge you'll have to talk him into a battle" Eldest answered.

"Damn... Alright he should be in the biggest house on the mountain right? I'll make him battle me for sure!" Ray stands up from his sit and turns to nurse joy

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