Chapter 12: The curious case of Marinette

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Passing through the final gate, the gang beholds the full frame of the cream-colored mansion.

"Looks like my aunt Sally's house," Luca remarked.

Lenny quickly interjected, "Wait! Isn't your aunt Sally dead?! Don't compare this to a ghost house!" He said frightened.

"Will you guys stop yammering and help me open this door!" Said an angry Venam, she was trying to open the mansion doors but to no avail.
"Ray! Will you stop looking at that statue and give me a hand!"

Ray was looking at a strange Absol statue in the center of the garden in front of the mansion.
(This... Is the same Garufan text as the one I saw in the hidden library... But why is it here).
"Oh, Venam... Can't we just get in through that open window",
The brown-skinned boy pointed to the left side of the mansion.

Feeling stupid for not noticing before venam and the others silently entered the mansion through the open window.

Chrysalis mansion
The interior was beautiful the red carpet complimented the checkered floor and the furniture around looked incredibly clean.

The four then realized that a person was standing silently watching them from the dark side of the living room.

He was a tall pale-skinned man in a white suit with brown pants matching his brown hair.
"Denizens of the outer world, how did you get here?", Asked the man. His voice was very unwelcoming.

Venam steps in front of the group and addresses the man.
"So there was someone here after all! You've got a lot of nerve! Your mansion is messing up Gearan City, ghost trees, and other weird shit emerging everywhere!" Yelled the purple-haired girl.

"Gearan... City.." the man paused a bit after hearing this. "Not kugearan... As my world collided with your world allowing you lot to get here through a gate".

"Yep, it's like an Isekai anime!" Luca stated with Ray nodding in agreement. While Lenny and Venam sighed.

"But I haven't opened any portals as of late... Hmm... Interesting" The man's eyes peered up into the distance looking at the door on the right.

Venam finally snapped "Whatever! Just fix it!".

"How rude!" The man retorted. "You barge into my mansion uninvited, and ask of something of me? I care not for the fate of your world, leave this place now!" shouted the man angrily.

"Nuh-uh! We won't move an inch till you fix this shit!" Venam stomps her feet aggressively.

"Fine, do whatever you want, know that you'll regret it soon, my name is Indraid Theolis, remember that plebians" The man addressed himself finally as Indraid.

"Cool, I'm Venam, and these are my friends Ray, Luca and the one sweating is Lenny" Venam introduces her friends with both Ray and Luca taking weird poses while Lenny is just freaking out silently.

"Nani?!" Yelled Indraid, it seemed like he had heard those names before... However that couldn't be possible, this was his first meeting with the teenagers.

"Never mind, tell me, children, have you heard about the prophecy of light and darkness?" Asked Indraid.

The teens were confused by what he meant except for Ray.

"Yeah I know, something about four kids of light not born of man will save the world, or four kids of darkness born from man will destroy the world", Ray stated.
"Sounds like the plot of a final fantasy game honestly".

"Hmm unexpected, but true... Well, that's enough stalling, maids!" Said Indraid, and as soon as he did four women in maid outfits appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the teens.

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