Chapter 3: Date with destiny

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Gearan train station

Ray stands next to the train station as he addresses his Pokémon.

"Pip, fresh water! Woo, lemonade! Leo, lava cookies, and Bellsprout..."
Ray says to his Pokémon but notices one is sleeping.

Piplup, his water penguin starter, was holding two water bottles, while Woobat, the pig-nosed bat, was using its psychic abilities to hold two bottles of lemonade mid-air. Meanwhile, Litleo, the brave lion cub, held a bag of cookies in its mouth. Strangely enough, Bellsprout, the pitcher plant, was sleeping on the ground.

'Sighhhhhhhh,' Ray sighed as he collected the items and recalled his Pokémon, except Piplup, whom he held in his arms.

"Piiiipiip lupppp!" The penguin protested, but Ray didn't let go; instead, he held it like a teddy bear and entered the train station.

To his surprise, a familiar face was there—a woman with red hair wearing a red and white flame-patterned dress.

"Tesla!" Ray said in surprise.

Tesla noticed him and rushed towards him, inspecting his body for injuries.

"Ray, how's your health? You're not suffering any wounds from yesterday, right?" Tesla asked, worried.

"I'm fine, ma'am, as fine as I could be anyway," Ray said with mixed feelings.

"I can see that. I assure you I'm having my people look for the ship as we speak," Tesla assured Ray, and he smiled a bit.

"So, you're heading to Goldenwood Forest? With how you're packed, it looks like you're going on a date," Tesla teased.

"Da... date? It's not like that. I'm just meeting someone there for research, that's all!" Ray nervously tried to hide his reddened face.

"Haaaaaa, to be young again," Tesla smiled and remembered when she was a young girl going on a date with a guy who strangely reminded her of Ray.

"Anyway, I have an extra ticket for you to board the train. I also have something for this little guy," Tesla said as she pinched the cheeks of Piplup, making him angry (gave him a ticket and more cookies).

"Thank you a lot, Tesla. Honestly, you've done a lot for me. I'm grateful," Ray bowed his head as he left Tesla and went to meet a train conductor wearing a green uniform.

"We'll meet again for sure. Till then, stay safe," Tesla said as she left the train station to her own destination.

Ray boards a silver train cart, and within 5 minutes, he reaches his destination.

Goldenwood forest

Ray steps out of the cart and sees the forest, the grass, the leaves on the trees, and all the vegetation were colored gold. Ray inspects the grass to see if it was actually gold, but it was just grass. Even Piplup was surprised by the scenery.

"Aevium sure has some amazing places, alright," Ray said as he walked north deeper into the forest.

Ray then sees the exact person he wanted to: a blonde girl with a silver briefcase staring at the sky. Her white top complemented her black bike shorts.

"Oh, so you made it. I was beginning to think you wouldn't come," the girl said with a pouty face.

"Sorry, Melia. Ren held me up at the library," the dark-skinned boy explained.

"Ren at the library, huh? Seems like he considers you a great rival then," Melia says with a smile, making Ray also smile.

"Alright, let's get a move on!" Melia starts to move north again, and Ray walks beside her.

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